Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow Rose that is really pretty and another present that is breakable that made it in one piece! rofl.

Susie I cross posted after you, I am so bad about starting something and then work gets in the way and I send the post way late. Glad you liked your present. The the geese reminded me of you and your birds. I loved doing the picture especially knowing I was doing it for you. Work does have it's benefits...rofl....that box was a pc monitor course it is big enough for a tv.

Lots of snow here on Sunday, should be in the high 50's normal, we are in the 20's with snow drifts...rofl....poor bunny.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Joyce, did you paint the geese? They are so cute! Love all the pressies coming in!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I did do the picture Linda Kay, it is pen and ink with watercolor. I saw the image in a book and I just thought it was so Susie for some reason. I use to do it alot but somehow hadn't done it in a long time. Good thing about doing the picture was it didn't anything...rofl, so it left me money to get some other stuff. Kind of a stretch with the basket ducks(geese) and Easter....but...rofl.

There are so many great presents coming in and such a variety, it is so much fun to see what everyone receives and so many good ideas to use...rofl cause heaven knows I don't have an imagination.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Joyce, that is a beautiful painting! You did a wonderful job!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

You received beautiful watercolor Susie. Joyce you very talented.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Patti, I'm glad the tealite holder made it in one piece! I was afraid the bag of candy stuffed inside or can of French Vanilla mix were going to jostle too much. Your wreath was a lot of fun to put together. The original idea came from Neener when she made a couple for our round-up as 'door prizes' Enjoy!

happ, you have a new calling when you retire! Very nice artwork. How did you personalize the wrapper? Too clever.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Making the candy wrappers are so easy I imagine any word type program will work, I happen to use Microsoft Word. I find a picture that I like or clip art that I like. Then open word, then click insert picture, then it will give you the option of making it as big or little as you need for your wrapper. Then insert a text box and key in what every you want. It is really a great idea for birthdays, showers, or just special people you want to make one for. Mine would of probably look more finished if I would of put a border around it but one of those things I missed at the time. Fruity it is alot of fun, just remember to save it along the if the second or third step messes up, you don't have to start from the beginning...rofl...words of experience ;) Once you get the size set and you use the same size candy bar, you can just replace the picture and text and you are off. Then just stick it around the candy bar and close it using double stick tape or glue stick to close it up.

Guys thank you for the words of encouragement on the watercolor, you all are so nice.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Finnally got my Dave's Garden stuff set up on the new computer :)
Looks like some really cool presents have been coming in this week :) How very cool!
And my buddy's box is in the mail! Mailed it this morning :) Will dmail Susie the conf # later when I have a chance to have my husband read it for me.

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh Fruity, I am glad you mention the coffee. I saw the can, and hid it immediate in the back of my cabinet . I love French vanilla Cappuccino. My daughter comes over on the weekend ,and she always check out my coffees. She can't find that one. The candy was yummy too. The Reese egg didn't last long after it arrived. LOL

I just ran to the kitchen and pulled out the can of cappuccino, so I can have it for tomorrow morning before I go to work. It's a nice way to start a day. Thanks!

So sorry I am late with everything. But between the new cabin getting here, the blind goat, and now the kids being here, I am so late. I promise my box will be mailed tomorrow.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hello girls!!!! Just popping in to see the pretty Easter Baskets. Wish I had logged in sooner so I could of joined this one!

I have been MIA for several months now, but am going to try to get back into the threads soon.

Good job on the baskets already received! NICE!


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Crit, glad your back with us!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Missed you!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Gm All Just wishing you all a great day will be checking back in later today


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Morning everyone....well the Easter bunny is going to have a fine time in my neighborhood, we are suppose to be in the 60's Saturday and Sunday....yahooooooo, finally. Can't wait for the snow to leave so I can clean the flower beds because things will start popping fast at those temps.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Michelle, I just received your Easter basket, and all I can say is Thank you so much! it is so pretty! I love the hand made crocheted basket in pastel colors and daffodil's. And the candy is delicious too. It has assorted See's candies in the eggs, and oh boy is it good. I have never had See's candies before!
Thanks again for the wonderful basket!

Thumbnail by taters55
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

omg those flowers are so cool...and look just like daffs! Are they on stems or attached to the basket? I have never seen crochet daffs before....The basket is really pretty and looks chocked full of goodies. Gosh if I did a basket it would of ended up like a floppy hat from the 70's.LOL....

Great present.

(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Very cute! nice job

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

So Cute Michelle Did you make it ? & What is See's candy May I Ask ? have a great day ev1 Busy with a seed box .

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

See's candies are famous, at least in California. I have an Aunt that lives there and she used to send it and it is SUMPTIOUS!!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Adorable. You did such a beautiful job with your crocheting, Michelle.

Google See's candy, it is very popular in California, good for any occasion. I remember boxes were available in every grocery store and See's had stores in the malls when I lived there. Seems like some places you could pick individual pieces. Delish candies. We always had a box or two around the office.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

The daffodils, are on a chenille stem, and in a small white vase.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Too cool. Linda Kay, I have seen the roses on crochet things but never daffs. Really speaks of spring and Easter.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Yay, LK received her basket! :)
Actually, See's has stores in several states, all west of the Mississippi River. Very yummy chocolate :)
I crocheted both the basket and the daffodils. (Daffs actually come in all the colors I made for LK, and more, though some colors are more common than others.)
I made up my own pattern for the basket. LK's was the first I made. Working on my third one now. They've all been different sizes.
For the daffs, I made my first ones last year. I started with a pattern I found on the internet, but didn't like how the petals were done. So I redesigned the petals to use my own pattern.
LK received the chocolate lovers basket :) Those eggs actually contain quite an assortment of yummy treats: various kinds of chocolates from See's, Cadbury, and Ghirardelli, Reese's peanut butter eggs, and Jelly Belly assorted jellybeans.
LK, I'm glad it all made it to you in good shape!
Had a lot of fun doing the crocheting and getting the yummy goodies! :)
Susie, thanks for organizing this swap :)
I think I'm going to make me a basket the same size as LK's, only it will be in shades of greens and browns/beige to match our futons. Not exactly sure which colors yet, but I rather liked having a basket sitting on the futon to put crochet projects in or other little items that I don't want to lose :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You are so talented, Michelle, especially since you made your own pattern. I knit and know altering a pattern isn't the easiest feat to accomplish. You never cease to amaze me :)

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Must really give my husband some credit, too :) When I was changing the pattern, I'd show him what I came up with and get feedback on how it compared to the real thing. He really gave me some great input! I do love the way these come out :)

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I just love your basket Linda. Michele you did a beautiful job. I just love daffodils too.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I think they came out awesome, I love the basket, flowers and candy you sent!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

My Hands won't let me do any more then chrochet dish cloths I Used to do Afgans but not any more. I feel Lucky that I can do those :) so i don't have to buy any :)

well just wanted to say GM I'm going to be busy with the seed box today so you all have a great day .


(Crystal) Waverly, AL

My Easter Box came today!!! What a cute bunny basket! Being able to crochet is so wonderful!
And in the basket was two dishtowels with the crocheted hanger tops. (I put one up in my refrigerator right away) And a matching potholder. So cute and springy! Also were 2 yellow plastic eggs filled with taffey (Yum) and two "egg plants" These are clay eggs with vermiculite in them and seeds already in there. You crack a hole in the top and add water, and the plant germinates and comes out of the hole where you put the water. I thought I would make a neat little hole like the directions described, but nah. But that should not affect the plants. Neat idea.
AND, a box of Ferraro Rocher. They are truffles (Chocolate-yum) with almonds on the outside. These are a favorite around here. I gave hubby one as soon as I got the picture made as he loves them so. (And I had one, too!)
Thanks Patti! This is great!

Thumbnail by goldhillal
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

O! I forgot something! I hung it up on the cabinet and didn't get it in the original picture. It's a cute frog plant hanger. Thank you Patti!

Thumbnail by goldhillal
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

Awwwwwwww.. I like Froggy best!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crystal, that is so cute! I love all the creativity in this group!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM what Nice Baskets these Bunnies are Hopping :) We are in for another sunny day I got up my Cold Frame so i can put a few things out in it will keep ya updated . Looks as we have One more left Not sure is there mail today being good friday ?

well off to have some BFK back later


This message was edited Mar 29, 2013 12:43 PM

(Crystal) Waverly, AL


(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, that link, brings me right back to this thread!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Crystal what a great package you got. Patti did you crochet the basket also? That is really cute!
Oh those chocolates I would be so happy and then soooo sick....I am glad when I get them their are only 3 to a package because I would eat them all! LOL

GardenQuail all I can say is wow, to change a pattern, even with help from DH, I couldn't change a pattern, I can barely follow a pattern. I thought in my younger years I would of worn the basket as a hat and pinned the flowers on the side. Use to love to wear hats.

Think I should of been born in the 40's when we wore hats, course I love the music from the 40's and 50's. Only problem with that era is I wouldn't of fit in that era as far as what a women should do. Always wondered how my Mom made it because she was always a strong women. We have come a long way Baby...rofl.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LK That Link Shows Up everytime I Copy & Paste anyone else have that problem ?
very nice warm day have been weeding a bit Just came in for some lunch & will go out & Pull a few weeds in the small beds . so ya all have a great day got to finish my Lunch

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, I know what you mean, any time I copy and paste here on DG, it always gives the link. I have to make sure I delete it.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

The only time it happened to me was when I copied some stuff from my wish list to paste on a thread. I couldn't figure it out???

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