Viburnum Care

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Hubby & I were discussing our two V. nudums we have quite close to ea. other: about 4-5 ft. apt. I think we need to move one of them further away to give them more room. On the other hand, we were wondering if we could just prune them in late winter? They don't need pruning right now. We were just wondering if we should move one of them or keep them pruned a little?

Viburnum nudum Winterthur
Viburnum nudum Brandywine: love it!

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You could take either approach - entirely up to you. Occasional pruning is a lot less work than digging and transplanting.

It really just depends on what your overall goal is. There is no reason that you couldn't just allow them to grow against each other - wouldn't hurt the plants a bit.

If you want to be able to observe them as complete full grown specimen individuals, then plant them at least 12 feet apart. Viburnum nudum is not a small plant. My 3 original 'Winterthur' plants (from about 2002, as 3 gallon pots) are now about 10' x 10' each, and in a generally dry location on circumneutral clay loam soil.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the good advice. Now, I don't have to worry about the two Viburnums working against ea. other.

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