Any Australian poultry keepers here?

north coast nsw, Australia

Just curious to if theres anyone in Australian on here that keeps Chickens like me. Anyone breed/show chickens. Im very interested in showing chickens.

Richmond, TX

Welcome to the forum, breeindy! I hope some of your countrymen respond. Is chicken showing very popular in Australia?

north coast nsw, Australia

yes i think so. Im just wanting to know whats involved and if theres any around where i live. They may not be anyone on here from Australia though. Do you show chickens?

Richmond, TX

No, I just keep chickens for the eggs. I've never been to a chicken show; there are none around here that I know of. I would be interested to attend. I know some of our members do show their chickens. I hope they will chime in.

This message was edited Feb 9, 2013 8:04 AM

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