2013 List of Upcoming Swaps

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

We came from here...

I am not for sure what happened to Chris, so I have made a new thread, and will try to keep it updated!
These are past swaps from last year, just to give you an idea.

JAN: SocksSniffSip Swap- Crit (Patti)

FEB: Valentine Day Swap- Crit (Patti)

4th Annual Windchime Swap- Clancampbell (Chris)

MARCH: (1) Best of the Blarney- Crit (Patti)

5th Annual 3-B House Swap- Purpbutfly (Cindy)

APRIL: (1) Froggie Swap- Tater55 (LK)


MAY: (1) Houseplant/Tropical Swap- FOTV (Susan)

Red, White & Blue Swap- Heavenscape (Jaye)

DJ'S " MAY " PLANT SWAP SIGN UP (deejay9) Susie

JUNE: Raise My Baby- jordankittyjo (Kathy)

Uglee Mug Swap- AmandaEsq

Old, New, Borrowed, Blue Swap (Rouxcrew) Joy

JULY: (1) Trash to Treasure (BettyPauze) Betty

Fairy/Gnome Swap (Mud_Elf) Kris

DJ'S " JULY " PLANT SWAP SIGN UP (deejay9) Susie

Christmas in July Swap (Rouxcrew) Joy

AUG: Neck of the Woods Swap- FOTV (Susan/Fruity)

1st Bi-annual Memorial Wind Chime Swap- ClanCampbell

DJ'S " AUGUST " PLANT SWAP SIGN UP (deejay9) Susie

SEP: PJ Swap- Tater55 (LK)


Fall Houseplant/Tropical Swap- FOTV (Susan)

Halloween Swap- OutlawHeart81 (Kelly)

OCT: Painted Rock Swap- Crit (Patti)

Painted Pot Swap - Hartzell81 (Heather)

NOV: Christmas Swap- FOTV (Susan)


This is the link to SI Likes and Dislikes for future swaps. Feel free to add yours or update your old one:

And here's a link to the "MY FAVORITE THINGS" thread that Deejay9 (Susie) has going to anyone to add their likes/dislikes/wants and haves..please feel free to add a post of yours, to help any future swap buddies :)


November Birthday thread

Kathy has the THOUHTS OF YOU

Kathy has the candle swap open...

Joy has opened the "Fruity's Fourth Annual Neck of the Woods" Swap Sign Up

Kim has the Handmade with Love Swap open...

Kathy has the KEEP ME WARM swap open...

Betty has her 7th annual workshop open, come and join the fun!

Julie has the 2013 Christmas swap open.

Coming in March 2014... Cville_Gardener will open a succulent swap.

This message was edited Nov 7, 2013 7:50 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Big sigh, waiting for the Red/White/Blue

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LK I Will make up a New thread for this SPRING -- FALL Plant swap won't be today but soon .

Goober and I will be doing a Gnome / Fairy Swap in June.

We will also combine it with the miniature garden swap at the same time.

Will add more details later.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris, that sounds good, let me know when you get it ready.

Will do.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Easter is coming, anyone doing a swap?

When I retire I promise I will help host swaps.....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I was just Looking at the March calendar :) there is ST Patty's the 17th & Then Easter On SUN 31st
I would do the one for Easter if someone would do ST Patty's :))))

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Why not combine them Susie? Give them a choice to receive either Easter or St patties gifts?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

That would be fun or you could mix what you put in the box.
Well on second thought you would have to have the box out before St Pats which I guess would be ok, or for those that are so late they could choose Easter...rofl.

This message was edited Feb 13, 2013 10:41 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Just made up one for easter but i could edit for a choice I Guess :) HEHE

come check it out


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you, LK, for starting a new page for this year's swaps. This isn't necessarily one you need to add to the list, just wanted folks who are reading this thread and keeping up with it to be aware of our upcoming Spring Round-Up, three months away, and make plans to attend if at all possible.

I know I say it every year, but it really would be awesome and do my heart good to have any of you attend our Round-Up. I'd love nothing better than to meet more of you face-to-face. Timing this year is a bit early. This year we'll meet on Saturday, May 11th, firstly because the Shelter was filling up rather quickly, and secondly we would like to avoid a repeat of last year's horrid heat that hit the end of June. Weather permitting, Bev / Sundownr has kindly volunteered to host a Papercrete Workshop for anyone who'd like to participate. If not, she'll revert to a Miniature Garden workshop like many of us enjoyed last year.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm Also Haven my yearly ROUNDUP SAT JUNE 1st http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1293309/

this is our 8th yr for getting together .

Victoria Harbour, ON

Both sound like fun...

Cindy has posted her birdhouse / butterfly / bat house swap.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Come on down, Betty. We'd love to have you attend.

I have lived vicariously though several of your annual Plant Swaps in the Park, Susie, and am going to surprise you one of these years. Won't be this year though since I think Manda's RU is going to be held on June 1st. Either then or June 8th.

Thanks for the heads up, Elfie.

For those who would like to participate, here's the link to Cindy's 6th Annual 3-B House swap. It's always been a good one and popular too.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

How about the FROGGIE SWAP this year

I want to go to one of Susies park swaps too. But sadly not this year for me too. Fruity we should rent a big bus and take a bunch of folks and go together..LOL

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Long day and just logged on before heading to bed soon. I agree, Elfie. We could name the bus Dave's Express...lol
Faye mentioned a bus a while back where we could tour the Country and stop by to see our gardening friends. Always thought that was a good idea and boy how quickly those seats would fill up. OH the gabbing and singing that would go on counting down the miles!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sure would be a fun trip if we didn't have to sleep on the bus :) Unless there was HID-A-BEDS :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

In my younger days as recreation coordinator I took groups of seniors south, we rented a large rv with plenty of seating, each night we would find a hotel..we would stop wherever and whenever..saw a lot of country..those were the days...could see that happening this way...

Actually Debbiedaisy and I did something similar about 5 years ago..got to meet a lot of our dg friends..

Tell me when the bus leaves

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I sent a message to Chris/chriscampbell. I asked her where she has been, as we all missed her here. She replied...

Hi Linda, No I let my membership lapse and haven't gone back yet. I'll be back eventually but probably under a different name. Tell everyone I said hi. Hugs, Chris

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ahhh, sure do miss her

Chris Campbells birthday is today,, just sent her a happy birthday there. I miss her too.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

She should have received my surprise today, too. Miss that girl.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Been thinking of her today, too. She and another friend of mine have the same birthday and are both named Chris :) We joked about them being twins!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's neat, Michelle.I remember teasing Chris she missed being a leap-year baby by one day, and oh my gosh how she could have fudged.

Cutlerville, MI

I am so excited for all the swaps! Is Chris OK? I enjoyed chatting with her during swaps! Have a good night!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

As far as I kmow she is fine,,just busy I guess?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)



(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, i put the link at the top!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty much

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ladies we have the froggie swap open.... come on over.

2013 annual froggie swap is open, come and check it out, lots of fun!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hello LK and all. Sorry I have been MIA for several months and didn't get the February and March swaps that I did last year. I had good intentions, but just didn't happen.

Put me down for the rock swap in October. That is always a fun one and I have several rocks gathered up that are interesting shapes.

I hope there will be some interest in it for this year.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Crit, glad your back with us! I put you at the top, just post a link when you get it ready.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Well look what the cat dragged in.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Crit now don't you go disappearing on us again.... ;) We missed ya.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

NOW OPEN, come and check it out!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for keeping us on the straight and narrow, LK. ;)

I came looking to remind myself whether the Uglee Mug swap was in May or June. Ha ha - I can't wait!


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks gals! I'll try to drop around more often. Laptop crashed and if I set in the office chair at the big PC too long, my back screams at me. Have a herniated disk above my fusion and it is impinging on the L3 nerve. Have a feeling it is going to cut into my garden work this year. A bunch of the things I brought in have died as I was just not able to carry the water can from the kitchen to where they are very much. UGH!

Good news is I had my Social Security Disability hearing yesterday, and it seems favorable by the way the judge spoke. My representative said that same thing to me too. Now just have to wait for the 'official letter'. Keep me in your prayers.

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