Rohutu tree possibility ID

Waihi, New Zealand(Zone 1)

Lophomyrtus obcordata - Rohutu tree?

Thumbnail by RosinaBloom Thumbnail by RosinaBloom Thumbnail by RosinaBloom Thumbnail by RosinaBloom
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

looks more like an Azara to me. The mini-leaf at the base of the bud with the large leaf is identical to my Azara lanceolata in my front yard. I'm not sure which species you have there.

Waihi, New Zealand(Zone 1)

The leaves of Azara lanceolata look very different from my specimen

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

More like Azara microphylla

Waihi, New Zealand(Zone 1)

I agree

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