Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening everyone!

That was quick, Patti. Can't take credit for your card that was made by a lady on Etsy. Most but not all the seeds I sent will produce the color of blooms Susie wanted us to share with our Valentines. Extras were included trying to make up for that. Many were harvested from my gardens. You'll enjoy those gloves, they are workhorses that can be thrown in the wash and air dried. I'm glad you're so pleased with everything ♥

Hope you had a good day, Susie.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Shirley I got your box of Valentines yesterday! What a nice surprise it was!
Even the box was decorated, she sent a beautiful homemade card with a flower on it, 4 packets of seeds, lots of chocolate hearts, and mint candies, and a rock that say's "surround yourself with friendship". It is so nice, and those choccies are really yummy!
Thanks so much for the wonderful Valentine!

This message was edited Feb 9, 2013 7:40 PM

Thumbnail by taters55
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Not from me,Linda. Must be some other Crystal?
I got a box today also. It was from sbish5 (Shirley) and it looks similar to what you got, Linda! I am so pleased. The card is so cute! I am going to try to remember that next time I need a card. Opening it was so fun because the box was all decorated in flowers. I always hate to throw the beautiful catalogs away, and this si such a good idea. I started right in on the candy, and had to stop myself til after I took the picture. My rock says "Lose yourself in nature and find peace". I am using it for a paperweight. (My whole area around the computer needs paper weights. I use them to organize. Well, somewhat.) the seed cover everything a person could want-perennial mix,flower garden mix, Cottage garden, and snapdragons. Thanks so much, Shirley! It's a great Valentine!

Thumbnail by goldhillal
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

So sorry, I posted the wrong name, it was from Shirley.
I corrected the post above.

This message was edited Feb 9, 2013 7:40 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That is so creative using catalog pages to create flowers on cards. And the petals are shaped like hearts. Very nice, Shirley.

Saginaw, MI

Got my valentine in the mail yesterday from Linda!! Very pretty card! Heart shaped box of candy! Lip clips!!! So cute and will come in handy for keeping my flower "notes" together!! 6 envelopes of seeds -- delphinium--carnations--zinnia--columbine--moonflower--& cardinal climber!!! Such a pretty assortment!! Can't wait to get them going!! What a wonderful valentine Linda! THANK YOU so much. Shirley

Thumbnail by sbish5
Saginaw, MI

Linda & Crystal -- so glad you received your valentines and that you like them! Brought back memories of decorating boxes for our valentines parties at school!! Hope the varieties of seeds will give you some beautiful and unusual blooms! Shirley

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad you got the box Shirley! Hope your good at seed starting.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Must apologize, goy everything to get my boxes out, by 4:00 yesterday the flu arrived with a vengeance..if it continues, no work for a few days!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Afternoon ev1 Nice Valentines & Hope the other will fly in by Next weekend :) I Hear a few will take time
to be Dilivered but they are in the mail :))) its been a great weekend . I've been Painting Rocks & Planters for the Gardens Winter is H!!! On A Persons Mind if ya don't keep busy :)))
Now off to Feed water Molly Duck & Off to play cards :) Ya all have a great day or eve :) HEHE

One of mine going out tomorrow. The other will be hand delivered on Valentine day.

Very excited.......

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a fun day, Susie, even if you were stuck inside. I weeded a good while and didn't even need a jacket. Rain moved in tonight and tomorrow's high is predicted to be in the mid-60's. Trees are already starting to bud. Tulips and daffy's are sticking up about 4" of new leaves.....hope for Spring.

Darn, Betty, you are not one who gets down often. Feel better soon, ya hear.

So Elfie, are you going to surprise me in person for Valentine's day?!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

lurking here, really enjoy the camaraderie... I shoulda looked while I was at my sisters, dang it..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Debra, glad to see you lurking! Hope you had a good visit with your Sis!

Fruity, it has been nice here too! No tree's budding yet, but hopefully soon!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

How's the Sis, Debra? Hopefully getter better and stronger.

LK, they'll probably be nipped by a frost. We're not out of the woods til around May 15th. Just counted 6 weeks backwards on the calendar today and hope to start seeds the 1st day of Spring or shortly afterward.

Fruity,, I wish,, however, I will be headed south for that one. We will be in your area for Mothers day!!!!!!

So excited I just cannot wait.

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(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Fruity to much snow to be weeding here so just have to find other things to keep busy at as you know i live alone the kids & Jim&Jan are gone most of the time & so Lone here on the farm with the critters & they don't talk much :) So I Paint & watch Movies .
We have a light drizzle coming down & It is about 30's so snow is melting but i think the News said more snow moving in this week .
I need to go get a few things from town so ya all have a great day I Will be back later.

Saginaw, MI

Gm Susie--about the same here for weather--REALLY WINDY , rain last night & still slight drizzle now, slushy mess out there!!

Fruity, I have some tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths coming up also--BUT, mine are in pots in the house!! Started some in pots for my mom & sister and as they come up and start to bloom take them over for them!! Sent over a pot of blooming hyacinths already(should have taken a pic, but didn't).

Sounds like you had a great time with your sister Debra!! Checking out ebay and will tell others also!!

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Kris, is that your new floor plan? Very nice!

Sure hope you ladies up North are staying warm?

Saginaw, MI

Pot buddies!! Waiting for a little bit warmer day to make the move over to moms house!! Hyacinth,daffodils, freesia!!

Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5 Thumbnail by sbish5
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Nice. Special Valentines for Special folks!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Lookie Here, What I got today!!
Heart shaped box of chocolates
Special Valentine card
Lips chip clip or refrig mag (makes easy to keep track of)
Seed pkgs:
Giant mixed morning glory, I love Morning glories
Gampa Ott morning glory, ditto
Snow in summer (Perennial),
Lavender- I am so good at killing this-keep your fingers crossed for me!
English Daises (hope to plant these today)
bachelor buttons-I love these, hope they will reseed for me

Thumbnail by goldhillal
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Thanks so much, Linda!! Great surprise on a gloomy gray day.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Afternoon everyone Nice valentine crystal When do you start Planting your gardens ?

I want to get more seeds started by the weekend :)))
Betty Hope your feeling better today .

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I got my box today, they must have crossed in transit somewhere!

A beautiful hummingbird feeder, several types of seeds, a bag of beautiful glad bulbs, (pinks and purples, a little soap looks like a pea pod, it says, two peas in a pod, a beautiful tin with tea in it, 3 little emery boards that will fit nicely in my purse and a beautiful Valentine card! Thanks so much Crysta/Goldhilla! I love all my valentine gifts!

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I will be back later tonight to post pictures of my gift I received. Got run, and I need cook dinner.

Love the seeds and cards and gifts. Mine went out today. Hope they arrive by Thursday.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

No heartfelt goodies in our mail today, just a bunch of junk mail that went in the fire.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Had the timer set to tune to the Westminster dog show at 8. Meant to ask you Betty if you're feeling better and if your sister is competing again this year.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yes Sharon American Eskimo is competing in the non-sport..if he wins best of breed he will have broken a record I believe for best in breed 7 years running..think it's 7 perhaps 6

Wanted to watch, still in bed with flu, headache galore sooo if he wins let me know

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wishing your Sister all the luck in the show!

Sorry you are sick Betty, get well soon.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Inuk led off the non-sporting group competition, Betty.
A Bichon won best in that group though, followed by the Standard Poodle, French Bulldog and Tibetan Spaniel.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ahh sorry to hear that, Sharon will be disappointed!

Blackshear, GA

Mine is going out today...sorry, a day late, but my son broke his foot and I didn't get to the PO. Heading there now!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Rose sure would like to see what you got from you valentine 's
Chris did you get your camera fix ? Maybe Goober will have one you can use OH Great Idea How about when you Meet with Your valentine the two of you can Take Pics of each other :) Love to see the 2 of you :)

well off to put my squash in the oven ya all have a great day .

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

winter squash? What kind? My grandmother used to bake acorn squash but I was too stupid then to try and appreciate it. Now I am interested. I plan to try to grow at least one kind this year.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all gotta go Play HAND & FOOT Here Soon & Beat the kids again :) But wanted to check in before i go over :)
Crystal I Baked an Acorn for about 1 1/2 hr & Then I Put Jimmy Deans Turkey Sausage Crumbles Inside the center of the squash MMMMM Good some add Br Sugar I Do not like it sweet the sausage gives it a better taste :)

My favorite is DK Green Hubbard Squash but cannot find up this way they all carry the Blue Hubbard but i do not care for that one .

Taken it over to have sup with the Kids so you all have a great eve . if its not to late I will try to get back on later .

I did not get seeds,,, however I got a card today that told me I could just wait till thursday to get my gifts... Roflmwo... Love the card Crystal. It is too funny that we both got each other for this swap. And I also have her for the other Valentine swap,, so she is getting lots of presses all in one day.!!!!!!

I can save the postage, and that I get to see one of my favorite people to.

Goobers card and seeds will be late. Her mom forgot to get the card and so when I get there on Thursday night we will get one and also send out her seeds too.

My Gryphon is 15 today!!!! They grow up so fast. Well got to go, these boxes aren't packing themselves.... Sigh...

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I received a handmade card from Susie filled with packages of seeds,and a beautiful hand crochet pot holder. Thank Susie for all the wonderful seeds ,and beautiful card. I really love the pot holder too. I just love handcrafted item. Everytime I use it I will think of you. Thank you.

Thumbnail by rose318 Thumbnail by rose318

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