Weather In Your Garden # 127 Waiting on Spring

Thomaston, CT

I'll change places! Weather Channel is saying 12+ in our area .......

South Hamilton, MA

temp up to 26° Dr. appointment & errands today.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

saying we might get up to a foot

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Soory sweetie. :(
We got up to 18 today, wind was "wicked" and raw still! I had on my Columbia 3 in 1 jacket, sweater, long sleeve shirt, short sleeve over it, under it a tank top. Wool socks, long johns, jeans and boots.....wind went right through the jeans!!! We are now @ 10 ° and dropping, low of 1 tonight without the wind chill.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

wow that's cold!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

We broke through 7 AM for sunrise! Next is 5:30 for sunset. It's now at 5:20.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

always nice!!

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Snow predictions for my area tomorrow range from about 20" to 35" of snow and hurricane force winds. My job is open until noon tomorrow because it's sometimes necessary for safety public safety, but I'll use judgement. They're still not sure what time the actual storm starts and where the worst storm location will be exactly. Several weather reports are predicting this will be among the top five snowstorms for the NE in the past half century. It's winter storm Nemo--made of the joining of the rain front from the south and the blast from the west, meeting in Boston. The Pacific storm is coming east to join in or maybe just to push the rest.

Please keep an eye on our Texas and Oklahoma friends too because they have their own storm front that could make tornados.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you can call me the NJ wimp.. I took a vacation day

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Wow, Rose.

As of now, early dismissal for school. I have a feeling it will change to no school at all.

Thomaston, CT

Our town has canceled school already...son & his family leaving at 5am to get to Smuggler's Notch.....should have plenty of snow if the high winds don't close it....

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

RodrmaryK, thanks for the Okla heads up. My soon to be 98 year old mom lives in Tulsa. She probably is out shopping for groceries. Still driving. Perfect vision. But she gave up night driving. She is taking my brother, DH and me to holland to see the tulips in march. I thought she might be done with trips, but no. She is an energizer bunny. I am on slow ferry back to Nantucket. Calm but it is going to pick up to perhaps gale force winds, but not so much snow as many of you will be getting. Big flashing signs on highway leaving Boston advising of snow emergency. Many people I know in Boston area have no place except on the street to park, so they are scrambling tonight to find off street spots before noon tomorrow. Difficult. Be safe and warm all. Patti

Thomaston, CT

Same to you, Patti....glad you left Boston!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Patti we had that problem where my Mom lives.. sooooo glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.. against town laws to be on the street when it snows here.. so much nicer for the plows

South Hamilton, MA

All area schools are canceled tomorrow. Perhaps tough for working parents, but neccessary for safety.

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

All of our town's offices and schools are closed tomorrow all day and no street parking. Grocery stores weren't crowded yesterday but word is they are impossible today. At times like this I am very grateful that our house is in a high valley. We can handle the power outages. We can still see the higher part of our property and the houses nearby where the storms tend to do the most damage.

I have mixed feelings about being an "essential" government worker. I'd stay home too without a doubt if I didn't worry about what some people do to each other when they have cabin fever. We also had a run on petitions for commitments today, so law enforcement, detox centers or lawyers have to make the next decisions on those folks. Hospital workers don't have the option to stay home either. During the storm of 78, the psychiatric hospital staff just lived near the patients for a week.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yes non essential is good sometimes.. my office is going to be open all of today I bet

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

It's 3 degree's and snowing now, high of 19 for today

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Praying for safety for you all in the middle. Just rain here so far and most likely that's all.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

20 here with light snow - as the DON my wife had to go into the hospital today, many of her second shift staff plan to stay the night the question is how many third shift will come in.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Just stopping by here to say that you all are in my thoughts and prayers as what we are getting here as rain and wind moves up the coast towards you. Special prayers for all still reeling from sandy impact. Coastal flooding "high" alerts.

Down here we panic and up there you take it in stride. Hopefully each one will be the right mix that sees us all stay safe and warm as we wait for spring!


Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

34 and the freezing rain has just turned to snow.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Thanks Judy, thats so sweet of you!
Is very simple, prepare ahead of time and there is no need to go anywhere. We just hunker down and enjoy family time. ^_^

South Hamilton, MA

32° & overcast. Light snow overnight but not at the moment. I worry about those recovering from Sandy, we are all together up here. Recycling has been picked up & they should come back for the garbade. Non food trash isn't scheduled for pickup this week.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

rain rain and more rain but 20mins to the north west of us in Princeton (hubby's working there today) ground is covered with snow...go figure!
They say maybe it will turn to snow late tonight...I'll believe it when I see it

Thomaston, CT

Snowing steadily here, temp at 27,,,went & picked up Mom this morning before the snow got a foothold....still not snowing in upper NW praying the storm is not too bad here......

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

35 and flurries, but not sticking as it is more rain so far, but wind is picking up. I think everything, planes and boats, got cancelled this morning, so it is a good thing I made the last boat or I would be stuck in Hyannis.

My computer stopped working this morning which is beyond annoying as I had so much that I wanted to do with my photo's that I have downloaded on it while the storm was raging outside. DH just took it off to the electronic store to see if it is the power cord. They are still open as are many of the local stores here. He went to our old bookstore this morning to get a new book and they were going to stay open until it the roads start to be effected.

Pixie, stay safe with all your cold and the big dump you are likely to get. Everyone should do as you do in Maine, just cozy up with a good book or a pile of garden catalogs with family and friends and our furry friends. Fill the tubs with water, have plenty of wood for the wood stove and fireplace and have some food that can be eaten without cooking. DH cooked a meatloaf and a whole chicken yesterday to have on hand as we might lose power with all the winds we are expecting. We have a cooler outside if the refrigerator fails. He secured everything outside so we should have nothing flying about if we get some Hurricane force winds. Cars have been parked facing out so we can do Nantucket plowing if the snow starts to accumulate which is just going out every few min to drive up and back down the drive to keep a path open. Not many plows on the Island. It beats shoveling the long drive.

Wha, keep off your cross country skis while it is wild out, but I'll bet you have some good terrain to go over once the storm passes. Have fun then. Patti

South Hamilton, MA

The snow has started. Plenty of food in the house & picked up needed medication refill yesterday afternoon. Got out battery lantern so can read if the power goes. Sit tight everyone & pray for those in the area which were devestated by 'Sandy'. I can't believe the the government was so slow on helping them out.

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

snowing here now - i was thinking about doing some road x-country this afternoon patti - and hoping the snowmobiles clear a trail in the woods tomorrow, if not i will, good exercise.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am guessing there will be some good exercise this weekend.. ready to go out and shovel already.. bad part with small dogs.. and can't get the snow blower on the deck.. saying it's a heavy snow .. want to keep up on it that's for sure

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

About 1 to 1 1/2 inches so far. Of course, MIL gets discharged today. Just back from Nyack - the only compounding pharmacy in the county, with her meds.Roads are starting to get slick - esp the secondary roads.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Still raining here but wind has picked up
now they changed it, snow overnight 4-8" like I said before I'll believe it when I see it

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Freezing rain in NYC, but sidewalks are slippery, maybe partly because of the hail we got earlier today. Fierce gusts, not pleasant. We're staying in, of course.

Good luck everyone, hope it's not as dire as the worst predictions!

Lexington, MA(Zone 6a)

Not bad here or in Boston earlier today. 33F gentle wind, just normally steady snow. I was happy that it was very easy to get around in the morning. It's great to settle down at home now though we're saving the fireplace on the assumption we'll lose power tonight. Hard to believe the prediction that we might get five feet tall snowdrifts in this region. If so, fences will not be able to contain any dogs once it freezes.

Wishing everyone a safe time with lots of comforts. One comfort I am relishing is the chance to test our new snowblower that is small enough so a car can stay in the garage too.

It's too late to flee to New York now. The last Amtrak train just left the station according to the radio.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOVE this line from an article I just read

[the storm]prompted organizers of the nation's sledding championship in Maine to postpone a race scheduled for Saturday, fearing too much snow for the competition.

Norwich, CT(Zone 6a)

Just got home from work. It is snowing here.
Victor if you have problems with medications, my son is a pharmacist and he does compounds.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Rose! Appreciate it.

About 2 1/2 inches here now. Picking up in intensity.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yes it is... fast stuff

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

Everybody stay safe in this storm.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Rain and more rain, some wind and picking up, but nothing like they keep saying on the TV for Nantucket. Not sure where they are getting those big gust reports. Just heard that CT is about to have the same travel band that is going on in Mass. Hope everyone is home. Patti

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