CLOSED: February Birthday Club

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

There's always room for more folks to join us. If you're just stumbling upon our Birthday thread or have lurked in the past and would like to join the fun, here's how our group works. During your Birth Month, you will receive a Birthday Card from each of the other participants. And in turn, you are to mail a Birthday Card to each participant during their Birth Month. Who doesn't enjoy receiving a thoughtful Card instead of junk mail and bills? A Card and a 1st Class Stamp, it's as simple as that. Purchased and handcrafted Cards are both welcome. Come on and have some fun!!!!

February Birthday:
None :(
Let's ask our friends to join us!

Current Birthday Club Members:
Rouxcrew / Joy -- January 15
lanakila/Lanakila -- January 22
rose318 / Patti -- March 18
Goldhillal / Crystal -- March 21
AmandaEsq / Amanda -- April 6
Crit / Patti -- May 10
Mud_Elf / Kris -- May 10
ahoogstra/Alicia -- May 17
taters55 / Linda Kay -- June 13
texaslady62 / Lori -- June 27
Goober_Fairy/Kaitlyn -- August 5
GAgirl1066 / Paula -- September 1
GardenQuail / Michelle -- October 28
Sbish5/ Shirley --- November 1
Hope43 / Twyla -- December 28
HONORARY Member - Neener

This message was edited Feb 15, 2013 7:02 PM

This message was edited Feb 25, 2013 1:36 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread.

We still need volunteers to host November and December!

Rather than one person hosting Birthday Club all the time, we decided to take turns. We still have a few months that need a host, so if you can help, just let us know which month you'd like. It does not take much: just start a new thread for your month, and wish everyone a Happy Birthday when the time comes!

2013 Birthday Club Hosts
January - GardenQuail
February - Lanakila
March - taters55
April - rouxcrew (possibly another month too)
May -- GardenQuail
June - Goober_Fairy
July - Mud_Elf
August - rose318
September - Goldhillal
October - Taters55
November -
December - Sbish5/Shirley

This message was edited Jan 27, 2013 8:13 PM

Checking in. I am here.... LOL

Saginaw, MI

Well looks like I have been "took the plunge" and have taken on the December host spot!! Hopefully I will do it as per my wonderful directions and get it right when the time comes!! I am so computer savy (ha ha ha) that before getting myself in too deep, I asked Linda to d-mail literally step by step instructions on how to do it!!! She did a great job of "splaining"!!!! Have a great day everyone!!

Thunder,lightening, & cold rain here today!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You can do it! Just make a new thread, and post a Birthday cake picture. ^_^
69 here today, supposed to reach 75.

Cloudy and warms here. I am tired....been working since 5 am. But it is a good tired as I have gotten so much done here!!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Shirley, thanks for volunteering to host December :)
It's been quite nice out today. Not sure what the actual high temp was, but I think it was supposed to be up in the sixties. Was very nice and sunny out on my deck while I was watering plants :)

I am home!!! It is now cold again. Cannot wait for spring.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

I think we had a spring teaser today :)

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
I closed the January thread. Hoping to dmail our missing members this week.
Hope you all are doing well :)

Checking in. This is crazy weather month!!

Where is everyone??

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I am here Kris! Getting ready for bed.

Saginaw, MI

I'm here somewhere among the cold weather, car troubles, end of month long project at school for son(at least his exams are over!)but another big one starting in another class, and job hunting --- to START the list!!! It goes on and on and on------------------------

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ahhh the joys of being a MOM!!!

Saginaw, MI

Isn't that the truth Linda!! Even as hectic as it can get at times , wouldn't trade it for the world!!! Being a grandma either!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I agree, we had our moments, that we wish they would go away, but then we worry if they do!

Saginaw, MI

One daughter(oldest of the bunch) and four sons!! Range in age from 30 to 13 !!

Grandkids all belong to our daughter (2 boys & 3 girls) range in age from 10 to 10 months!!
Oldest is a boy and youngest is a boy!! The little guy was born 9 weeks early and we are truly blessed to have him still with us!! Actually "brought" him back when he was born and was touch and go for quite a while but the little guy has his mommy's spunk and is doing great now!! Few issues with his heart (always will have) but growing by leaps and bounds & so,so adorable!!!

This message was edited Feb 6, 2013 1:48 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

yep, you have your hands full!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Ladies, don't forget to get your cards ready for our next Birthday girl... Just a few weeks away.
Irisluvr0252 / Debbie February 25

Saginaw, MI

Have my card ready and waiting to be mailed!!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Stopping by to let you know that I've dmailed Irisluvr0252/Debbie to see if she is participating in birthday club this year. I just got it dmailed yesterday. I also noticed that she's subscribed through February 23, so I'm not sure if she'll be participating or not. Hoping to hear something from her soon. I'm thinking we should give her til the end of the week. If we don't hear from her by then, I guess we will conclude that she isn't participating. If that's the case, you can each decide what you want to do about sending a card. I'll contact the others soon... been working on getting a package ready to mail, so I haven't dmailed the others yet, but I will.
Hope you all are doing well. And I'm hoping we hear from Debbie, too!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Hi, Faye :) Glad you could stop by a moment :) Hope all is well for you!
I heard back from Irisluvr0252/Debbie. She says that she doesn't get by Dave's Garden much anymore and that she will not be renewing her subscription. But she said she really enjoyed her time with us while she was able to stop by :)
So, it looks like we don't have any February birthdays after all. Sorry, everyone... Perhaps we could all spread the word to be sure people know about the Birthday Club. Perhaps we can find some others who would like to join.
Lanakila, can you update the info up at the top?
We had a lovely day here today: warm and sunny :) Went out and visited all my plants... Some are still sleeping, others are preparing to flower, and still others are just happily growing. Was nice to pause to enjoy all their different stages of life :)
Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow!

Blackshear, GA

Hi Faye.....hope all is well with you!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes thank you. So far this year has been so much better. I pray each of you will have a great year. I won't forget you, and will snoop ever so often just to say hi.
Great job Michelle, and yes, I do admire you.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
:) Faye, we do love having you stop by!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to see Debbie leaving us!

Hey Faye, how are you guys doing! So nice to see you pop in!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
All right... Just realized hartzell81 / Heather's birthday is coming up March 3. How did that get just around the corner all ready? :) I'm sending Heather dmail tonight to see if she still plans to be with us this year. Will let you know what I find out.
Discovered that my Picotee Amaryllis is sending up a flower scape. Had it outside over the winter, so it surprised me :) (What a fun surprise to have!) Decided to bring it inside because the weather turned cold again. Didn't want it to decide it was to cold for it to grow the flower!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Let us know what you hear from Hartzell/Heather.
Show us a picture of the bloom when it opens please?

Cutlerville, MI

So sorry for being MIA winter has been rough for many reasons here! Anyway, I am excited to start sending birthday cards! Thank you to all who have been so kind about my MIA:) ahoogstra

Cutlerville, MI

Hey everyone;
If anyone of you would like some handmade b-day cards, I stamp quite a bit, just let me know, I would be happy to send any of the participants a dozen cards. I just love to stamp, so no charge or anything:) Just shoot me a dmail. ahoogstra

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Well, I haven't heard back from hartzell81 / Heather yet. She is still subscribed to DG, so unless she hasn't logged on in a while, she should have received my dmail by now. It looks like she has decided not to participate. So, I guess we should remove her name from our current members list. Of course, if she does return, we can always add her back in :)
But we do still have two March birthdays coming up:
rose318 / Patti -- March 18 (our newest member) and
Goldhillal / Crystal -- March 21
So, start getting cards ready!
And remember, our host for March is taters55 :)
March will be here before we know it... Starts this coming Friday!
Alicia, great to have you stop by! :)

Blackshear, GA

Good Morning Michelle,
Just wanted to let you know I'm still here. Raining here this morning...100% today...90% tonight and tomorrow. Up to 3 inches we could get. Already got 2 1/2 since Friday. I don't know if I'll be able to get out of my driveway (1/2 mile long)if this keeps up. I'm glad my husband bought me that 4 wheel drive truck!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Michelle, I will get a new thread ready in a few days, and post it here when it is ready for the March Birthday's.

Blackshear, GA

Hi Linda..been really quiet here. I think everyone is getting spring fever.

Saginaw, MI

Think you might be right Paula! Everyone is getting their "indoor" babies ready to make the switch to "outdoors" and getting "new" babies started!!

Cutlerville, MI

Hi all! Hope everyone's start to the week is FABULOUS! My week can only be better than last. My oldest totalled the car she shares with her sister at college at 11pm tues night. She is fine Praise GOD! The car however...not so much. So needless to say this mommy didn't sleep for a couple of nights. However we are able to borrow a car from my aunt so the girls can get back and forth to work. Anyway I have a dozen cards made for someone special for all our special birthdays!
have a great day!

Blackshear, GA

glad your daughter is OK!Not a good feeling when our children are hurt or in danger.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Alicia, sorry to hear about the totaled car! Hope you had insurance on it? Glad to hear your daughter is OK!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Alicia, I'm sorry to hear the car was totaled, but very thankful your daughter is all right!
Paula, that's a lot of rain! Stay safe in it all.
Been reading a book for book club and working on my Easter basket for the Easter swap :) But I want to get some seeds and bulbs planted soon. I hear the weather is to be quite nice later this week, so perhaps I can do some planting then :)
Take care, everyone, and have a great week!

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