Aquaponic - hydroponic - strawberries and greens!

Fort Worth, TX

I know what I want to do. I have texas sunshine and fish ponds that aren't formal. I want to sell off the goldfish and koi, stock tilapia (which I can eat) and grow fruits and veggies with fish waste. Got a lot of ideas from this site:

Anyone else trying this?

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

I've been raising Blue Tilapia for 5 years in a 15 foot above ground swimming pool. They are hardy, easy fish that grow fast and are tasty too! The plants love the water changes and fish crap...

Fort Worth, TX

Thank you! I knew it could be done! Not trying to grow lettuce or anything "aquaponic" or hydroponic -ally?

Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi: Jake from Manassas. I got a lot of help & ideas from utube (Hydroponics & Acuq). It got me very interested on some of the sites, you have to sort thru a lot of happy gass growing ideas. These people have some very helpfull ideas & very expensive equipment to increase there production of their crops. Some of the idease are very simple to construct. I hope this helps you out .

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Not the Aquaponics way, but the water the fish live in itself is incredible distributed on garden plants and potted plants. This and the fish poop is all My Bonsais are fed. They look great and the veggies are really green! It works.

Fort Worth, TX

Well I've been doing that, but we have a drought in Texas, and efficient water use to get the nutrients to the plants is kinda tricky. In the main garden I use pondliner on the paths to block weed growth and hold moisture in. Still having a tough time getting my winter greens started, and I initially planted in November. I like my greens. I grow aquatic plants for customers, more than I ever need, I use no chemicals on the ponds so I was thinking, swiss chard, romaine lettuce, not sure what else, just see what would grow in the water itself. Because come August, 90% of the green plants at my place are IN the water.

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