CLOSED: The Promise of Spring Chat Away!

Cutlerville, MI

Hello everyone! We are having yet another storm:( I am SOOOO ready for the green of Spring! I have a question for all of you with a do start the "hardy canna's? the kind that are H2O plants? I appreciate all the knowledge you all are so willing to share! Ahoogstra

Saginaw, MI

Been watching the news updates here also Alicia--saying we are supposed to be getting quite the storm tonight--nothing as of yet--talked to my niece (on her way home from work--Kettering Univ. in Flint) and she said the roads are getting really bad down that way. Our youngest son is hoping we get the storm so he won't have school tomorrow !! Is getting colder and wind is picking up but nothing else as of yet !!

Just to throw this out there as long as I am on here---does anyone have any "extra" green bean seeds (pole variety & bush variety also), radish, beets, or swiss chard seeds that they are looking to get rid of??? These are a few of the requests the boys have said they want for the garden this year!!

Athens, PA

My understanding with cannas is they need to be started before introducing them into the pond. The earth needs to be at least 60 degrees with the air temps in the 80's

Blackshear, GA

waaaa! Just watched the weather...the weekend lows...29..25..27..with wind chills worse. Everything is definately going to be hurt or killed. Will head to Lowes tomorrow and see if I can find some more frost blankets to throw over my fruit trees and others. Arrgh!!

Saginaw, MI

BOOOO!!!! The weather has started here !! It is coming down pretty good already. HOPING we do not get what they are predicting !! YUCK!!!

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Cutlerville, MI

It's REALLY nasty here too! My baby boy (16:) wants a day off tomorrow too:) Mi winter may have left us last year but it is back with a vengence! The roads here have been bad since about 5:30, and have just been getting worse & worse! Stay safe and warm everyone!

Athens, PA

It is just starting here - I am hoping we are only on the outskirts of this mess.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We have a long driveway! DH worked half the day cleaning the driveway...some area had 4ft drifts, horrible winds with the snow. I think I filled the bird feeder 3 times and it is big! Poor guys I feel so bad for them and the rabbits looking for food.

I am ready for the rest of in a canyon, sounds really interesting. I had a friend that moved from Colorado to Tenn, she said she missed the sunsets because the sun would go behind a hill or pine tree and she could never see one.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I have just been reading about cannas because I grow mine in soil. I guess there are some that do better in water but that they need to have the crown on the plant up out of the water. So really, more like bog conditions. Mine have started growing already in the greenhouse (it's hot in there) but the outside ones are still dormant (we hit 70 today). I like the idea of starting them out of the water as the water is bound to be colder longer than the outside temps. It must be hard to get them to bloom every year when they go fully dormant in winter. Maybe mine would do better with more water.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Looks like we are out of bad weather territory here at least for now. I feel for those of you in these terrible blizzards and snows. We had a record breaking amount of rain in Feb-- weather guy said about 12.5 inches, but I had about an inch more than that.
It is not pleasant outside here by any stretch though. Although the temps were in the 50's, the wind was high and felt like it was off ice.
I made a trip by Opelika Lowe's today. Actually 2 trips. Got home called a friend and we went back. They had pansy pots-big display pots on sale for $2 ea. Plus the giant pansies at like 10 cents (yes) for 9 big beautiful plants. Lots of stuff was 10 cents. I also got some Cinerias ($2). Maybe I can make some pictures tomorrow. It was incredible. I asked a worker why they were virtually giving away these beautiful plants and he said they just ordered too many. Their loss, our gain. Maybe they were figuring they would kill off a bunch of them by over and under watering. And somehow that did not happen. Their inside plants in pots w/o holes are generally flooded. Kris and I pour the water off if we can. We feel sympathy for the plants I guess.

Saginaw, MI

Still snow/rain mix here as of right now. Not that much accumulation but slippery because of wet mix!! Schools and lots of other things closed. Our son is thrilled !! Me??? Not so much !!

Saginaw, MI

Wow Crystal !!! Sounds like you made quite the haul on plants !!! Have never seen deals like that around here !! Deals, yes, but not quite that good !!! Good for you !! Problem with finding things like that is, I always end up with things I have NO BUSINESS getting--cuz "it's a good deal right " ????? LOL

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

O yes! I could have made it just fine without more pansies as I had already bought some earlier (from Lowe's reduced rack-they did not look as good as these tho).
I can't plant pansies in the ground here because of the deer. They come and jerk them out of the ground before they are rooted and sling them aside. So I put them in pots closer to the house, on the porch or steps etc.
Altho they will be pretty for a couple months before it gets too hot, it is a lot of work getting them set out and taken care of.
Earlier I got a tray of snapdragons and so far they are still alive, no deer, survived freezes, and all this rain.

Cutlerville, MI

We ended up with about 6 more inches! YUCK!!!! Goldy..I am SOOO jeleous! 50's sounds wonderful, and to get garden deals too! Oh..I am so living through you right now:) Hope everyone has a great day! No more snow in the forecast atleast through the weekend!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crystal, sounds like you and Kris had a good time shopping! Wish we could find deals like that here!

Saginaw, MI

Well snow / rain has stopped. Only about 3 inches--but very wet and heavy . Roads slippery . Very happy didn't get what they were predicting for us!!

I am headed to Auburn soon. Will be dropping by Lowes of course. Also meeting a man about a couple of singer sewing machine treadle/ stands
They are going to be our new tv stand base. got both for only $40.00!!!

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(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Those will make great stands Kris, get a piece of wood to make the top, and your all done!

Cutlerville, MI

I am SO jelous, I have been looking for a couple of sewing machine bases! They are so beautiful! I have SO many ideas for garden art with them! Have fun!

Well after meeting the guy for the bases at Wendy's, then Lowes to get some more plants, spent $20.15 and got 42 flats of pansy's and violas, 12 pints of white flowers, 4 house plants, and 4 baskets of purple and white flowers. And yes I really should know the names of the plants but I forgot the names, then went to the harvest house and got all the glass I need for my garden window. After stopping at Crystals to drop off my score of cool tin cans, and picking up the awesome stash of blue glass bottles she got for me. I finally got home and now I am to tired to unpack the car. Poor Elfie.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Enjoy those new plants Kris. Your going to have a nice garden this spring.

Thanks Linda,, don't you want to come help me plant them?????

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I wish I was closer Kris, sounds like a lot of fun!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

love the tredle stands. That is how I learned to sew.. so many wash towels and pillow cases I made back then.

Wish I could come and unload your car, Elfie. I bet your Gardens will be outstanding this year. I didn't know you liked blue glass..

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wowzer that was quite a haul for that little pit of money. Wish you could upload pics and show us your windfalll. I can't see the ground for all the white stuff so I guess planting is out of the question here...rofl.
DH has the truck stuck on the west side of the house, our VW stuck on the east side of the house in the driveway and the 4 wheel drive tractor stuck....rofl. Guess it isn't funny but you have to laugh. The only car still making it is my little yellow car.....
To get out of here I have to drive across the field...hoping not to hit a drainage ditch... ;) Gotta love living in the country...guess you have to take the bad (just a little bit) with all the good.

Saginaw, MI

Oh what a predicament Happ!!! Like you said, even though not exactly funny, have to laugh just to get through it without going crazy!!! And I so wish I was in the country !!! When we bought our house, we were originally looking in the country, but my dad got sick(with a paralyzing stroke & then cancer) so I insisted on staying in the city very close to my mom & dad(against their wishes). They kept telling me , if something is going to happen it will happen whether you are 5 minutes away or 5 hours away , but I would not listen. Grew up around farms(both sets of grandparents had farms) and always wanted one of my own. Ahhh, maybe someday !!!! Till then it's the city rat life for us !!!

Well got all the plants out of the car and need to get the glass out too. But I have lost my car keys,,, or Ralph hid them to keep me away from Crystals house and shopping at lowes... Lol.

I love blue glass. When I get my bed room all set up I will show you all my collection. I will take pictures with the phone and then upload them at the library.

Right now I need to find those keys. Those glass pieces must weigh 10 pounds each and there are 39 pieces....sigh.
Any one who wants to come help is more than welcome!!!!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Hope you made it unloaded OK, Kris!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

we want to see your haul, please? LOL

I am going to attempt to get pictures today. I have to go pick up the kids in Opelika and we will finish the packing today. I got behind cause I was just to sore to move this week.

I found a set of 8 foot sliding glass doors at the restore place the other day. Just need to figure out how to haul them the 45 miles to my house!!
This should be fun...not!!!

New building is finally ready and they want to deliver on Monday. I told them it would have to wait til Thursday. Darn being old. I should have been long finished by now.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hang in there Kris, you have been working so hard, and it sounds like you have way over done it. You will have your new place soon, then you can hopefully sit in the tub and soak those muscles!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I agree! gee the snow seems to be hanging around forever, not melting fast enough!

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(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is a lot of snow Debra, pretty to look at, but you can keep it!

Let's se if the pictures will load.

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(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow, that is a lot of plants Kris! Beautiful!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

All ya'll with an abundance of snow, send it my way. We're not in a precipitation deficit like we were last year, but still haven't had a decent snow for two years.

What a haul, Elfie.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow Kriss Nice hall you always fine the great deals on pansy's :) would love a couple flats myself :)))
gn all

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awesome haul there Kris, I can't wait to see them all arranged out in the ground.
Fruity, This is our first snow that measured more than an inch in two years. It kick starts the prennials.

I kind of like them just as they are. But will get them in a bed by the end of next week. I am just to tired right now to plant. And too cold....

Done packing. Now doing the last of the demo of the walls, pulling out all the power. Ralph says we will be done by Monday night. Thank goodness...

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow to see ground and flowers, instead of snow drifts, hard to imagine for a few of us....rofl.

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