CLOSED: The Promise of Spring Chat Away!

Blackshear, GA

Hey Kris,
I would like some apple gourd seed if you have extra. I'm going to put plastic back over it when I have time, but first I want to build a frame around the bottom so I can staple the plastic to it and get a tighter fit. I may actually move it to a different location a little more sheltered for next year and not right out in the open. But it may be ok now, it will be in the middle of the other two GH now so that will cut done on some of the wind.

Sure thing, I will get them out to you this week. Do I have your addy? D mail it to me just in case. I can share 6 packets of 10 seeds each. So speak up guys.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Morning glory tree, is just that, a tree, it is not a vine, and it does not spread. Mine got to about 10-12 foot tall last year. They are not good at producing seeds, so you have to cut them back in the winter like you do angel trumpets.
This was mine last summer.
They come in white, lavender, and pink blooms. I have the white one.

Thumbnail by taters55 Thumbnail by taters55
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I was going through My seeds & Found Some Seeds that said MORNING GLORY TREE Seeds Very Large & Hard so I Soaked them in HOT Water Put them in Soil & As of Sataturday Feb 2 Here is what I Have .
I had Planted them On Jan 27th I think it was the other seedlings are Blue shrimp plants & Mimosa Silk tree
all doing well so far .

I Can't remember who sent me the seeds for the MG Tree & I don't know the color so guess it will be a surprise if i can keep them alive till spring :)

well off to check my other forums :) back later

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Did your seeds have fuzz on them? This is what the seeds look like from the morning glory tree.

Thumbnail by taters55
Smiths, AL


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

mine from seeds looked like the one given to me by another DG'r, mine are lavender blooms or pink depending on the way you look at them. the spreading one reminds me of the "bush morning glory" which looks like a green tumbleweed with large lav to pink blooms. I saw a lot of pandurata while I was down south, it spreads like a heavy low lying vine.
Someone sent me some apple gourd seeds one year and i planted them in late spring at the top of charlie's cement steps leading down th the dock, in a small patch of dirt. the climbed all the way down and out to the dock loaded with apple shaped gourds, then it got cold early in Fall and they all froze on the vine before I could rescue them.. another bedding glory is the i batata, rambles about a foot tall and creeps and spreads, and does bloom when happy.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Kris, I'd like some apple gourd seed. Just bring them when you come my way.

Now I've forgotten who offered the Morning Glory tree, but if you see this, I WOULD like to try it. Thanks for all the info, so It sounds like it won't cover the earth. One of my concerns in my search for the new and different (to me) plant is that I will become known as the one who released a green menace on the planet!! So please send me some. O! GA girl. When and if you get time, I would like MG tree! You are making a lot of good headway with the greenhouse. You also have a good plan.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

LK Yes That is what they looked like There was about 5-6 & I Have them Planted Growing good right now .
well off to the doctors soon More Blood draw back later

Saginaw, MI

O.K. I think the morning glory tree thing has gotten EVERYONES attention!!! and I second that Crystal--if anybody has seeds / cuttings for them, I also would love to try them!!

Very cool Susie--you will have to post more pics for us as the grow!!

And all these pics and all this talk of greenhouses is making me a little jealous!! Would so love to have a greenhouse--even a small one!! Maybe someday!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Shirley If I Can keep them alive till June & If you want one you will have a chance for it by coming down to the swap :) I Know your bro is getting married ,LATER IN THE DAY RIGHT So come down I'm only 1 1/2 hr away from ya :))) Good reason right ???? you just have to HAVE ONE :))) Right ???

Saginaw, MI

Would absolutely love to come down to the swap Susie!! Wedding is at 12:00 noon and daughter and son are both in it so guess who will have my daughters 5 kids(ages 9 months to 10 years old) while they are getting ready??????? I think we all know the answer to that one!! GRANDMA!!!! That pretty much sums up my day!!!! LOL

Well more interesting things going on here. I will be gone for much of the next few weeks. Have something very important going on. Will try to update everyone as it goes. But do not worry if I am out of touch for a bit. I am doing great. Just have something we need to take care of.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Yesterday I took these pics in my yard before the rain started. Overnight we got about 3.7 inches rain.

Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

another pic I could not get to load

Thumbnail by goldhillal
Saginaw, MI

VERY PRETTY Crystal!! And LOVE your bench!! Did you do the top????

This is the top of one of my plant stands my son made for me almost 5 years ago!! One of my cherished possessions!!!

Thumbnail by sbish5
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

No, unfortunately, I didn't make the bench. There was a hunting trailer across the road and after it was abandoned, I went over there and rescued this bench. It was tough to move, but with some help I got it done.

What made me take the picture of the bench (and other flowers also) was that I was looking out the window and a cardinal was sitting on the bench, and it was just perfect with the flowers behind him. Of course I could not get a pic of him, but the rest of the pic reminds me of what I saw. Red birds are special to me, a sort of winter talisman I guess.

Saginaw, MI

AHHH, that's just my luck too--either miss the bird totally or get just the edge of them as they fly away!! Lucky find on that bench--looks very nice there among the daffodils!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love that bench too! Love the flowers, so pretty! Our ash tree's are just starting to bud!

I have lots of daffs coming up now too. No pictures yet. Need a new camera. Mine will not turn on, even with new batteries. Guess it is about time as it is 6 years old.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well no pictures of no flowers here in the northland....I wish well sort of it is too early for us so I will have to live thru your beautiful pics! I need to move. They are calling for snow.... ;( Need the moisture but I am ready for spring. Every body at work seems way stressed, down, and grumpy.....has to be the weather.

We have had robins around for several weeks.....poor guys. There can't be any bugs out there. Need to look and see what they eat.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm with you happ I'm so ready for spring My days & Nights are so messed up right Played cards with the kids last night till after 11pm came home fell asleep by 12 am & wide awake at 3 am sure hate these sleepless nights .

so guess i will go read the other forums ya all have a great day

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I have had sleep troubles for several years. Sometimes when I feel like hardly slept, when I get up, I feel Ok. So I changed my tune, if I feel ok, I must have slept enough. I did get to the point where I dreaded going to bed because I knew what it would be like. Lately I had been taking a benydryl at bedtime, having heard that drs often prescribe that for older folks for sleep. However, it made my mouth dry, and i had to get up 4/5X at night to pee. So I stopped it a couple nights ago and am sleeping better.
I wrote a poem several years ago about sleeplessness. I will hunt it up and post it if anyone is interested.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I would love to see the poem.
I rarely sleep more than 5 hours a night. I have to pray my self to sleep.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have never been a big sleeper, I can remember laying on the hard floor in kintergarten on this little rug (like that made any difference) just watching the kids that could fall asleep! Even at 5 it was amazing to me..... Then high school hit and all my friends I think slept til noon! It killed me, I was up and 8 and ready to go do whatever it was we did...rofl. Now thru the week I go to bed about 11 or 11:30 and I am up for work at 4:30 or 5:00. I hate all those "studies" who tell me I am going to die early..... The way I see it we must have X amount of time. We can live long if we sleep half of it away, or I can be awake and enjoy it and not live as in awake hours it probably all measures out...rofl.

I love your ideas about life. I rarely sleep much, never have.

Got to go,, lots to get done before my fun day with Crystal tomorrow!!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

There is an Easter swap open, come and check it out please?

( Gwen ) Kellyton, AL(Zone 7b)

Hey Yall, Just stopped in to say, Hey!!!! Elf and I had some fun Saturday we went thrift shopping. Elf got all the good buys. I will not take my husband next time.
I am another one that does not sleep well. I have 3 different beds that I sleep in, if 1 doesn't sleep good I move to another. I also take a benadryl for sleep. I am looking forward to this spring and summer. I want to play in the dirt.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Gwen, glad to hear you had a good time with Kris! I think were all waiting for nice weather to play in the dirt. it has been in the 80's here, but the weather man says we may still get one more freeze, so I will be patient!

( Gwen ) Kellyton, AL(Zone 7b)

Hello Linda, I will be patient, when it decides to stop raining here in Alabama I plan to start cleaning out and getting my beds ready. We are floating here in Kellyton, AL. Warm weather is just around the corner.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Here's my Sleep Poem


O Joy of Sleep,
That drops like a stone
Straight thru
To the gilded skies of morning.

No opening/closing windows
No lights on/off
No covers down/up
No dogs barking
No headlights on the wall
No exchanging bed/bed/chair
The rest of the damned.

Only a sweet black nothing,
Waiting the dew,
The breeze,
The first light,
The call of a new day.


I have been sleeping poorly for years as evidenced by the date of this poem

Well my silly self was taking boxes out of the attic. One was full of books and I got it all the way to the last step of the porch, dropped the box on the dolly and it flew up and knocked me down on my butt. Now My nose is a skinned up and I am afraid I will have 2 black eyes for my day with Crystal tomorrow...LOL..

Ralph has forbidden me to do any more work today. Plus I cannot go to sleep in case I gave myself a concussion. Ah the joys of packing up,, AGAIN!!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Kris, you need to be careful please?

I am Murphy's Law!!! Heehee

Smiths, AL

Nana are you gonna be ok ou sound off lol i lovve you tho

Saginaw, MI


Blackshear, GA

Happy Valentines Day!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)



(Crystal) Waverly, AL

We have some weak sun this AM after days of rain. I had about 6 inches since Sunday. Glad to see even weak sun. Pretty cool,too. More like Alabama winter. 42 degrees at 9AM

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