CLOSED: The Promise of Spring Chat Away!

Hummmm. Exactly what size does the base need to be?

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Kris, it's too late to say this, but grape vines root so easy, you could have just taken cuttings and they would probably be as far along as the ones dug up. Lordy, you are a wheel horse!!!
Went to Callaway Gardens today. It is free during the week in Jan and Feb. The daffodils are coming out (well, so are mine!) I'll try to load up some pics I took today.
First Pic is some orchids and a bromilead, second pic is a slipper orchid. Both of these were in the Sibley horticultural center
Third pic is in the butterfly center. Fourth is Bauhinia- Orchid tree

Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal Thumbnail by goldhillal

Crystal,, I got side tracked. Went to Goober and took them out to dinner. So no grape vines dug up today. However, the guy I am selling my property to said to please take all the plants with me. So I will cut them way back and transplant them to new land.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Beautiful flower blooms Goldhillal

Saginaw, MI

Very pretty Crystal!! Don't you just love taking a stroll through those places??? Soooo pretty and peaceful!!!

I am all packed up and ready to head for home. Burrrrr it is cold this morning. Already turned off the heat a couple of hours ago. It might have been a mistake. I have been up since 3 am. Maybe I should take a short nap before I leave..

Saginaw, MI

Have a safe drive kris!!!

Blackshear, GA

Hope everyone is safe this morning....nasty weather yesterday..north GA got hammered. We have 3 trees that were blown down, but mostly because they were already dead, but one took out our wood fence. UGH!
The worst was the wind ripped off all the plastic on my GH....supposed to be 28 tonight or tomorrow and I don't know what I am going to do with the plants. BUT, good news...some guys are supposed to be coming today to BUILD me a new GH (fingers crossed) somewhere around a 18 X 36. I have finally convinced my husband that we should be growing more vegetables and things. He agreed to build me one so I could start seeds hopefully in the next couple of weeks. The guys said it wouldn't take them but a couple of days to build the GH (IF they will actually work on it!!) They are actually employees of ours that do all our maintence and things at our warehouse, so I don't know how long it will actually take. They were supposed to start Tuesday morning and just now come to get the trailer to get all the lumber and supplies. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out...I'm a little nervous...I would prefer another polycarbonate one, but beggars can't be choosey.

Saginaw, MI

Best of luck on getting your new greenhouse done Paula!! Would absolutely love to have a greenhouse--but it simply is not "in the cards" (as they say) at this time!!

Growing veggies is great!! My husband does a medium size garden every year & he LOVES it!! The veggies are all his!! Our youngest son has a small "plot" of his own that he chooses what to plant in it and takes care of it!! He even chose popcorn for the last two years -- didn't get many ears but enough for our evening snack on Thanksgiving day!!

Our oldest son lives with his girlfriend and is following in his dads' footsteps & had a wonderful veggie garden!! Everyone was quite surprised with how well he did with it--except for us--we weren't surprised at all--he always helped out hubby with ours when he was still living here , so we KNEW he would do well with it!!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Oh, Paula, I am so sorry about the greenhouse. That happened to me many years ago, and I understand some of what you are feeling. I had to bring all my plants into the house because it was winter when it happened to me, also.
I'll be thinking of you and hope the builders get there soon!

Blackshear, GA

Thanks Crystal, I haven't actually gone out there yet to see how the plants faired, but they should be ok. That one was just an overflow...plants that are semihardy, but I wanted to protect them. If need be I can cram them in the other GH for a night or two.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from goldhillal :
Oh, Paula, I am so sorry about the greenhouse. That happened to me many years ago, and I understand some of what you are feeling. I had to bring all my plants into the house because it was winter when it happened to me, also.
I'll be thinking of you and hope the builders get there soon!

same here, Paula.

O want a greenhouse.... Whaaaaaaaaa

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Me too, Elfie.

Paula, you must be beside yourself! Hope those guys can get another one up for you soon and that you don't lose many plants.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Please post pics of the greenhouse going up! Think most of us are living vicariously thru u when it comes to a greenhouse...rof

Hi Debra we did get rain that turned to ice that turned to snow!! 74 on monday down to 6 windchill -8!!

I hate cold....Deejay I hear it is bitter stupid cold up there!

Well I really had another great day.
I went to pay my property taxes and saw a sign for a herb nursery, I decided to stop and see what they had. There was a really nice woman who owns the place. She showed me around the greenhouse and her garden. She has lots of cool plants. While I was there fed x showed up to deliver her late plants she told me she had 2 people there all day long the day before waiting for those plants. And because of the storms it was late. So I offered to help her unpack everything. I ended up being there for over 2 hours. We got done and were headed back to my car and she offered me a part time job!!!! It will be continent on her partners approval. But she told me she would let me know on Monday. I am so excited. She also sells a really wide variety of Geraniums. She is supposed to email me a list. If any one is interested I can dmail you a list of her plants. I would be glad to pick up and send any thing she has for you guys.

Blackshear, GA

Oh how exciting Kris! Good Luck! Things are turning your way. If you get the job, you'll have to let us know what all she has..sounds interesting. I want some mints.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

It has been a reall mess Over by the shoreline but we have about about 3-4 " more coming in later today
to dark out to see what is going on out there was just cold when i let the cat out he came right back in .
Lots of white outs & Crashes so i will stay home :)

well FEB is Here wonder if the Ground Hog Will see his SHADOW ???? YES OR NO ???
well have a great day

Saginaw, MI

REALLY cold here also today but no snow or anything!!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Kris, I am envious, what a wonderful oppurtunity I hope you do get to work with her..

Susie, I kinda hope for more winter since we have yet to get any snow
Joyce, so cold here, and so dry it is ridiculas.

Love ya all/// Debra

Saginaw, MI

That would be awesome Kris! Hope it works out for you!!!! I would absolutely love to work at a greenhouse!!

NO, no , no Debra---NO, no , no SNOW!!!

I am seriously happy that things are going so well for me this year. I am ready for a good year. The last 4 years have been so full of pain, drama, and illness. I just want to have a healthy happy year!!!!

Will definitely let you know about the plant list. She has tons of mint!!!!

This message was edited Feb 1, 2013 9:52 AM

Blackshear, GA

Great! Hurry, hurry, hurry spring!!! You all just would not believe everything blooming here, even the azealas. Of course, supposed to be in the 30s this weekend.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh elfie what fun to have a job u love! Course I would never have a dime left of a paycheck. A million years ago I worked for macys in the IT department and your Id card was a credit card and employee discount card..and I was I was in my 20's.....rof. Suppose to be 46 here this afternoon but I am working outside period.....rofl
everything just needs cleaned up. I worked all day in the solar room yesterday.

Hope everything works out for u elfish it is ur turn.

( Gwen ) Kellyton, AL(Zone 7b)

Hello Everyone, I talked to Mud Elf this afternoon and I am sorry I haven't had time to visit here. I am busy with my job and taking care of my parents. These warm day are making me want to get out in the sun and play in the dirt. I have a lot to learn and I am so excited to be a part of all of you. Elfie and I are going to have fun this spring because I am going to worry her to death with all of my questions about my plants. My azaleas are blooming and have been bit by the cold. Plant are popping up all over my yard. My husband and I do a little of all gardening he has fruit trees and I do vegetables and flowers. My bedroom is full of my green plants and they want to go out in the sun. I keep my green plant on the patio in the shade under the pecan tree and they love it all summer. I bring them in the day before the first frost and they stay inside until we have cool nights in March. Tomorrow is Monday and a busy day at the college. Elfie is coming for a visit tomorrow and I am excited. Talk again soon . Gwen Rich, central Alabama (Kellyton)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey Gwen, so nice to see you made it here! New friends are always welcome here!

Yea!! Gwen stopped by. We are going to her house to celebrate the paying off of the land up here. So we will check in tomorrow night,, that is unless we get to having to much fun talking about our garden plans!

This message was edited Feb 3, 2013 11:24 PM

Hey taters, I will ship your box out Monday or Tuesday. Would you like to try some Apple gourd seeds? I got a bunch in the mail the other day. Also will include your surprise I got for you last week. Will be one very full box. LOL

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I would love to try some, thanks!

Will add them to your stash...

Night. Tomorrow is a busy day!!!

Blackshear, GA

Hi Gwen...welcome! This is a wonderful group!

I am so tired of cold weather! This is the longest period of cold we have had so far. I noticed a couple of my amarylis had started coming up and the 28 got them the other night. Waaa! I hope they recover.

Here is my plastic GH that got ripped to shreds and the new one going up. They are 'supposed' to be finished with it tomorrow, if all goes well, but we will see.

Thumbnail by GAgirl1066 Thumbnail by GAgirl1066
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is going to be so nice! Wish I had the land you have!

Blackshear, GA

Thanks Linda....its still very much a work in progress. We have been here a year now and I MAY have half of it done. BTW, I forgot to cut back the morning glory tree before the frost hit it. We were actually gone when the first cold snap hit. I will check it out and see what it looks like, but may be summer before I can get you the cutting.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

No hurry on the cutting. You have a lot on your plate right now.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wow GAgirl,, it looks like the plastic one must of been flapping in the breeze, how sad ;( But the other one looks like it is going to be GREAT! So much fun! I can't wait to see it finished. I agree with you I am so tired of the cold.

Oh Elfie what a great celebration to be paying off your land!!! Enjoy!

Spent the day Saturday cleaning the solar room plants and everything in there....geehz, then Sunday I was determined to work outside and I did and I feel it...rofl, ..... I tell you I feel muscle I usually only feel in the spring...rofl. Funny I have plastic pots still frozen to the ground, but I did notice I have daffs coming up which I think is a little early since we are just barely in Feb. Sides we havent exactly had a run of warm days so I am really surprised.

Have a great day you guys.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

GAgirl, I know you are anxious to get the greenhouse rebuilt. I know I would be. The old greenhouse looks really sad.Hope they get the new one finished soon. Are you using 2 layers of plastic on the new one.

A morning glory tree! never heard of such! The pictures I saw online and at dave's and the flowers remind me of some I've seen in Florida as bedding plants, but the leaves are definitely different. Also The ones I have seen are no more than 3 feet tall. Does this plant spread? I see that the USDA plant base lists it as a noxious weed in some places. I want it (as I want all plants I don't have!) but would like to know some people's experiences with it from a spreading viewpoint.

Blackshear, GA

We're going to put polycarbonate on the roof so it will be permanent and hold in more heat and plastic on the sides so it can be raised or removed during the summer. I have a 6 or 8 mil plastic...I will probably try one at first, but if it does't hold the heat I will run two layers.

I personally can't answer about the morning glory tree as I have only had it last year and its only been in the ground since early fall, but one of my neighbors has it and hers does't spread at all.

Crystal would you like some Apple gourd seeds as well?? Anyone else. I have about 50 or so.

Paula,, What are you going to do with your old greenhouse frame???

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