CLOSED: The Promise of Spring Chat Away!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I leave mine alone all the rest of the winter up on the sills, with the caps on and take the cap off to harden them slowly before taking the rest of the top on. the cap keeps the humidity and moisture in for me. I just rotate them around once a week when we change the bedding in the bedrooms. Cinnoman helps keep damp off away and fungus away. I also get 0 gnats with the caps on clean medium.
they trays all have domes or plastic on them too, and the ones outside are covered under heavy clear plastic storage tubs.This weekend I will do the milk and water JUGS that are sitting around here driving every one nutz .
these were from last year, i ended up having all the window sills loaded.. poor Joe.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Athens, PA

Deb - great info and photos. It is almost like wintersowing, but not outside.

I wish I had enough room for a veggie garden. I did manage to carve out a small area for my kitchen herbs though. I really like using my own fresh herbs for cooking and canning.

Saginaw, MI

Debra--Will it work to sprinkle cinnamon 'on top' of existing pots , or does it have to be layered in???

think I just might try leaving tops on for the next ones I do!!


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Debra, I liked the blue so much , I made another blue and this pink one.
Thank you all for the compliments.We didn't get any ice yesterday but it was cloudy all day.
Beautiful and cool today tho.
Fruity ((((hugs)))) been a long time. I'm back for a while....Sure was missing you ALL.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Athens, PA

Char - I just love the morning glories. How long does it take you to make one? You so talented!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

After the first one, the next ones are easy. first one can take from 45-60 min to get everything, the way I want them. I can be picky!!! ;-)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

What are these morning glories made from?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Crystal, all her flowers and critters are made with polymer clay! It is a clay, you bake in the oven, and when done, it feels like a hard plastic. Great job Charleen!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that one looks alot like an akatsu no mai a beautiful glory, Charleen. Such talent!
It is always good to use cinnamon on top of pot soil, dust your seeds with etc etc, it is a natural fungicide, I learned that from Lazlo.
I use cheap flea powder on all the fresh seed gatherings I bring in as they are being dried, that kills any bugs that are hiding in the leaves ..I don't mind bugs, I just don't like the ones that give me a hard time..
carolyn we have a very old 20 yr old refridgerator that still runs, since it won't die hubby won't replace it, i know it isn't energy effiecent like it used to be, but the heat from it on top is where I put and dry all my tomatoe seeds in paper towels, and set my seed cups for soaking.. works like a charm.. Learned that from experimenting.. didn't have a heat pad for plants at that time, but the top of the fridge is always holding something in the form of a seed holder, starter etc. soon as i see a curl come from a seed, I move it to a cup of potting mixture.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Debra, that blue one is yours, just got to get it mailed to you!!!!
when I start seeds I like to start them on our upright freezer. It makes a great heating pad.....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

You all are making me antsy for spring. :D

The weather the other day made an impact, though the precipitation lasted for less than an hour. Everything froze up immediately and Court's boss sent everybody home from work (they are all on the road most of the time so she just commanded everyone to stop what they were doing and head home, not back to work).

I was at home anyway so it didn't affect me, thankfully. Nothwithstanding my proud years of experience driving in blizzards, I don't trust anything on ice. And if I can help it, like Frooty, I will stay off the roads just to avoid those other folks who don't know the brake from the gas pedal.

The birds have enjoyed my offerings, so I focus on keeping them fed and have rigged a couple of water dishes with heaters so they can bathe and drink when everything else is frozen.

Hope all's well out there. Very quiet on Sunday evening out on the streets just now. Felt like a ghost town!


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

warmer like spring today, the rain skipped over us here in Derby.. go figger.. :P~ I actually watered the front beds a bit, and dumped all the jugs of laundry and dish water out to the back barrells and house gardens out there. Things are soooo confused right now.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Cloudy here so far. Supposed to get in lower 50's. rain is on the way too, they are saying...

Saginaw, MI

Lets see, the name of this thread is what??? PROMISE OF SPRING chat!!! This does not look like spring to me--ha ha--this started as a fine snow last night around 8 p.m. and steadily turned to rain--which is what it is doing now(just a light drizzle). CRUNCHY SNOW--YEAH--just what I (don't) love!!!! On the up side, it IS WARMER!!!!

Thumbnail by sbish5
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Then I won't tell you that it is warm here...

Thumbnail by taters55
Saginaw, MI

Then I'm coming for a visit Linda!!! Glad to hear it is warm somewhere!! It is actually warmer here today than it has been in the past week!! Hoping this drizzle of rain will "get rid" of the little bit of snow we do have before it can freeze and make a real mess out there!! Was quite slippery in spots last night while it was switching from snow to rain and there were some accidents reported but just had to be "careful" and watch what you were doing!!! School was called off today because of the slippery spots--son quite happy!!
Talked to our daughter in TN this morning and at 8 a.m. she said it was already 50 degrees out!! ENJOY your warm weather while we all get a little jealous!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I just hate to think how warm our summers is going to be, if we already have 80 degree's in January?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Mmmmm. :/

LK - how has the water situation been this season?

All these crazy storms seem to originate in the gulf and you don't benefit at all. Sorry. Wish I could send some your way.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We are still in a drought here too, but we are beginning to see some rain.
Linda that is right. If it is warm now, what is it going to be like this summer??? Just have to ride it out like we usually do!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Not much rain here at all! Pretty dry! rainfall averages.

If it is hot again this summer, we will spend it in the pool like all the past summers!

I am at the house in Smith Station this week. It is very nice weather. So far I have dug up my monster jasmine and got it rammed into a 55 gal pt. How I managed to lift it I have no idea. But I am here to tell you it was HEAVY!!!!!! I also found about 40 Asiatic Lilies. Dug up ally hydranga's. Sorry don't know how to spell that one... Also did some clay work. Loaded and ran my kiln. Now more work tonight. Tomorrow I am thinking to cut down all the roses to about 24 inches so that next time I am here I can dig them all up. There are toooooo many plants here to take care of in one trip.

My passion vine plant took over the gazebo and has likely littered the chairs we had out there off the ground. The vines are about 2 inches thick so I will need a limb cutter to remove them....sigh.. then I get to take down the gazebo next. Good thing I am feeling so much better right???

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Don't over do it Kris! Take care of that back!

I won't Linda, Goober came over after school and helped. We had lots of fun.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you had fun today!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Kris I know u had frun today, I envy you..
no rain again, it passed us by, was in the low 70's today, Joe announced no bean patch, no potatoes and he doesn't care if I keep it all inside this summer... hmm.. I might put the bananas in the bean patch so I can have a tropical look LOL

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Debra, court regrets abandoning his tomato beds to me. Now he wants to do tomatoes, but he can't have the beds back!!! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Debra, grow potatoes in the basement in an old garbage can!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I think that is a great idea.. I have a young tomatoe finally tied up.. it is growing in a tiny pot inserted to a tall vase with rocks.. it is going to bud out in a couple weeks..I am prolly going to move it to the water tub under the big lights soon, then I will grow another one in that vase..
good lord I need to dust~! LOL

while I was upstairs, I took pics of the rest of the upstairs HOUSE plants..
roses old room, south window facing this wall.. Cobra Pothos Same area;; starts of cobra and giant gold marbled Pothos, and a lucky ti plant..
same room east wall oleander and it has buds! ...

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

also in that room east window.. Hoya,, came as a nine inch cutting from someone on dg named dollie.. it has never bloomed, I train it to wreath form..
the living room is void of any signs of plants

dining room however, different story..morning glorys on my desk facing west, rescued fig leaf ficus , the buffett with a waterford crystal vase holding my lime green tri pothos, Joes 38 yr old tree Philo "Big Boy",
a nice ZZ plant and a tri selfheading rubber tree, pretty much take all the space on this buffett..other than the window sills, that is it for upstairs LOL

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

You have a green thumb for sure! I have never been so lucky to grow things in the house, until this year.
Love the blue vase in the 4th picture, first group!

Saginaw, MI

Absolutely stunning Debra!! You really seem to have the "knack" of growing things!!

I have some things going but nothing like what you have!! I had some christmas cactus (9 of them----un-known colors---that my husband bought for me after christmas last year ---they were growing well till my sons cat deceided to bat them around and keep breaking them so I just finally gave in two weeks ago and gave them to my sister. She has BIG beautiful christmas cactus , so thought would be better to give the poor "beat up" babies to her to let them heal!!!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh Debra I see you have a soffit around your kitchen like I do. I put a shelf around mine and it is great for nic nacks and vines trailing down....rofl. This is the only pic I have with me and the picture was taken while we were building the kitchen and during Christmas, hence the Christmas stuff on the shelf. During the rest of the year it has food advertisements and the such on it. Only thing I wish I could of talked him into was putting a plug in up there, but since the furnance vent runs thru it, that wasn't possible.

Thumbnail by happgarden
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happ, I don't see you in the picture, but I like that shelf!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful day here today... Even got to scratch in the dirt a bit....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Saginaw, MI

o.k., a little green eyed monster called "jealousy" is starting to rear it's head lookin at all these beauties popping up every where else but here!!! Very pretty!!

Ok things I have done today:
Dug up all my asiatic lilies, dug up all the iris Deejay sent me, cut down a passion vine that was over 25 ft tall. My gosh that was a pain. Dug up my Peruvian lilies. Trimmed back more rose bushes, worked on clay, packed up more stuff in the craft rooms. Took a nap, loaded the kiln, and just when I thought it was finished and ready to fire, I looked down and realized that I had forgotten one of the letters needed to finish the project I am working on. Now you have to understand this was the second firming. So I had to make the letter, put in oven in house to dry. Then I need to underglaze, then glaze then DD to the project all before I can turn the kiln back on.... Whew.. I was mad at myself for that one. But at least I caught it before it was done. I would never fire the kiln for just one letter...
Humm what else was O going to do today?? Heck if I know...LOL

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Is that all??? LOL!

Yeah,, I am on a roll... LOL. Finally got the kiln going. Now just wait and see. So since I still have some daylight I am going to go dig up the grape vines. See you all later.....

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Good grief do I feel like a slug....rofl elfy I didn't know there was that much time in a day!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

good grief Char is it spring there or what? I too, feel jealousy LOL

Kris, I need a large christmas tree base, I broke mine a long time ago ... I have been sitting it with no base for two years, I saw one on ebay, for 14.96 and 14.00 shipping, so I would be glad to pay you to make me one before next christmas.
Gee, no rain AGAIN.. Joyce did u get any? It skipped over us again. :P~

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