CLOSED: impatiens balsamina wanted for postage?

Havelock, Canada

Does anyone have Touch me not = impatiens balsamina seeds they would be able to send to me for postage and future seeds, other than touch me not, from my garden this upcoming growing season?

I am trying to get ready for wintersowing this winter and desperately wish to grow this wonderful plant again. I grew this plant previously but I had a "helper" pull all my impatiens balsamina before they seeded.......sigh.

I would really appreciate it if you are able to send any extras that you have.

I wasn't sure where to post this and this seemed liked the logical place.

Thanks for your consideration.

Elaine and Otis

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

We, in the USA, can not successfully send seeds or plants into Canada. They get confiscated and we lose our money - sorry.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I have never had a problem sending seeds to Canada, or receiving seeds from Canada. I do it several times a year and clearly label the package as seeds. If I had enough I. balsamina to make it worth your while I would send it, but I have only a small packet and postage to you would be in the neighborhood of $3.00 US. You should be able to purchase them locally for less than that.

Havelock, Canada

KayJones - Thanks for the response but it is incorrect. Seeds can be sent but plants cannot. Plants need a Phyto certificate but seeds do not. I have sent and received seeds in the past (from generous DG people) and it is not a problem. I have even told the P. O. what I am sending and they said it was a gift. No problems at all.

I receive catalogues from U.S. and they can only send seeds, nothing else. I don't wish to be argumentative but I know that seeds can be sent, no problem.

I do appreciate your response though because perhaps other people are not aware that seeds can be sent. No different than
sending a birthday card as far as the P.O. is concerned.

Elaine and Otis

Havelock, Canada

Thanks poisondartfrog - I can't seem to find them here. Since I would want them for WSing (preferably) I can't get them locally.
I live in a small village that has next to nothing here. I have looked in two seed catalogues that I get and they are not offered.
That is the reason I asked on this thread. Anything under $5.00 would work for me since they are something that I really want. I never have a very large budget for my garden (life hasn't smiled on me with wealth - LOL) but I think this is a great investment.

Thanks for clarifying the misunderstanding though.

Elaine and Otis

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is a link to the rules for import/export of seed material into Canada:

I'm not just talking - it happened to me twice - the person I sent the seeds to received an empty envelope and a note that they had been destroyed by customs. I will you the best of luck in your endeavor.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I don't doubt your experience at all, Kay. Maybe it depends on the Inspector? I have had my seeds opened for inspection before, which caused a delay, but never confiscated.
I send/receive from Canada a dozen times a year without incident and I clearly state seeds, and specifically what kind of seeds and how many seeds, on the customs form.
Maybe if I did it more often I would run into trouble, but my experience has always been positive. At any rate, the dollar amount involved is typically pretty small and I would not hesitate for something I wanted to try.

Edited to add that I have had seeds confiscated from China and Thailand, but not India, South Africa, Argentina, Netherlands, Belgium and elsewhere.

My point is that although some folks may be unwilling to trade with Canada, there are many who choose to do so.

This message was edited Jan 22, 2013 2:40 PM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is a place in Canada that has these seeds:

Havelock, Canada

KayJones - Huge Thank You being hollered from here. Did you hear me?

I am so happy! You are awesome and I am very grateful.

Hugs Elaine and Otis

Have you met Otis - He is one of eweed's pups.

Thumbnail by Procrastinator
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

That's grand! Kay's a treasure, for true.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm glad I could help!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

If you are looking for the orange-flowered Jewel weed which grows wild here, I could get you some seeds later this summer.

Havelock, Canada

Kay - I kind of gave up when I looked at those seeds. They are tom thumb which means they are dwarf or smaller.

Here are a few pics of what I am looking for. These were taken a few years ago before my helper pulled them the following summer.

I am pretty sure I found some friends here who can help me with seeds.

I appreciate all the help received here though, so thanks to all.

Buttoneer - I am not familiar with Jewel weed. Thanks for trying to help me out though.

With many thanks to all.

Elaine and Otis

Thumbnail by Procrastinator Thumbnail by Procrastinator
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

My mother used to have those in her yard when I was a child, some 50 years ago - they ARE beautiful!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

My mother used to have those in her yard when I was a child, some 50 years ago - they ARE beautiful!

Edited to add:

I found this source:

Havelock, Canada

I am so happy to have brought back some wonderful memories for some of you.

Kay - You are such a sweetie and I do appreciate your helping spirit and all you have done. Those plants are gorgeous. How can I say this so you don't think that I am picky or unappreciative - I have never used E-bay and don't have any friends up here in the frozen tundra (LOL) that use E-bay.

Please know that I think you are a doll for doing what you have, for me. I think that I will just rely on other sources to get my seeds. I do know that a very dear lady on DG is willing to send me some Balsam seeds. Other people are looking for me as well.

Thanks for being so considerate and I do hope you don't think less of me because of my honesty.

Elaine and Otis

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Elaine, no problem.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Jewel weed:

Havelock, Canada

Buttoneer - It is definitely not Jewel weed but thanks so much for the link and all of your effort. Much appreciated!

Elaine and Otis

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

It is in the same family. Didn't know if you wanted to try the wild type of Impatiens.

Havelock, Canada

Buttoneer - Thanks but I think I will see what the future brings for now. Your offer and interest are very much appreciated.

Elaine and Otis

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I've purchased from this place before and was happy with my order (it's in Canada). Greta's Organic Gardens.

Regular Balsam seeds are touch me nots if I'm not mistaken. I'd traded all I had collected from my neighbor's pink and purple plants--timing was everything:lol:

Havelock, Canada

dmac - Wow. I had a good look at the link and I am so impressed by the amount of information that was given regarding the seeds. Another DGer directed me to that site and I must say that I am overwhelmed by the amount of effort that has gone into my little want. DGer's rock and you are one of them.

By the way - Greta's Organic is on my short list of suppliers now that I have discovered so many great sites thanks to the DGer's that provided me with so many options.

Many thanks and hugs
Elaine and Otis

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

You're welcome!

When I'm just goofing around on the PC--I'll go to Garden Watchdog and just wander through the suppliers. If you look at the bottom half of the page you can do specific item searches or even by country (say only Canadian companies). I've done company searches by my state and it's always suprising to see what is offered in your own backyard:lol:

Havelock, Canada

dmac- I did not know that. Although I have been around DG for quite some time I tend to stay in the same spot. I will keep that in my memory bank. Actually, I am going to save this info. Don't trust myself to remember - LOL

Thanks again

Elaine and Otis

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