Tutorial for making Beaded Gourds part 2

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

We came from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1292003/
The previous posting was getting way too long so I had to do this, I hope it doesn't make things too difficult to back tract.

I am so glad to see how much interest we have going in this. I am looking forward to seeing some completed projects.
I am working on a Valentine of sorts for my friend that has Ovarian Cancer. She is just starting her 4th round of Chemo since she was diagnosed 3 years ago.
I am so so glad that she is still with us. Linda is my best friend and I have tried to keep her life worth living but she is getting very tired of all the treatments and
ongoing further complications that arise from this.

Anyway, I hope that you all have fun with this tutorial and take it as a fun and new technique that you will want to use again. It isn't for everyone, as it is very time consuming and if you
are in a big hurry you won't appreciate the beauty that will come from having the patience of Job.

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