Looking for rooted cuttings or seedlings of the following

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

I am looking for well rooted cuttings or established seedlings of the following plants: aronia (chokeberry) both red & black fruited types, pagoda dogwood (cornus alternifolia), kousa dogwood (cornus kousa), cornelian cherry dogwood (cornus mas), forsythia 'Kumson', winterberry holly (ilex verticllata) male & female, magnolia (any cultivar), ninebark (physocarpus) 'Center Glow'. Please look at my 'have' trade list and see if anything interests you.

I grow out seedlings or rooted cuttings for my garden club's annual plant sale. A large part of the profit from our sale goes to support horticultural programs in our local schools.

Thanks for looking

Elberfeld, IN

Hi Felisa,
I have a bunch (50?) Anne Magnolia in pots that I ground layered a year ago. I dug and potted them a month ago. Good roots. I also have chokeberry (common and black). I stuck a bunch of hardwood cuttings this fall/winter - need to check what I have. Have lots of Winterberry Holly growing wild in my woods. Also have Ninebark and Forsythia, but not the cultivars you're looking for (Common Ninebark and a bunch of Lynwood Gold Forsythia plants from cuttings/ground layer). If you are interested in any of this (or anything else on my "Haves" list), let me know. You have several things I'd be interesed in (showy stonecrops, Iris', daylilies, and a couple hostas). I prefer stuff that's well rooted too - and multi-plant trades. mike

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

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Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6a)

Dear Felesia, I have once again small layered seedlings and cuttings of Kousa dogwood, Japanese maple seedlings from Bloodgut, Carolina Silverbelle, variegated Hydrangea, and a few other odds and ends that you can use in your club. These are self sprouted from the trees in my garden and are more of a weed to me that I would ordinarily .pull up and throw away, probably 10 trees in all.

The Winter has been so unpredictable here with the temperature bouncing from 15F to 60F so it is hard to say when I can dig them, but remind me in late March to send them if you are interested.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Al sending you Dmail

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