Free Seed for Newbees "Newbee beginning!!"1/14/2013

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Bellsp- I put an icon on my desktop-- iPhone & iPad-- now I don't even have to sign in any more ( of course that means I never sign out).

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I've had this same strain of sunflowers for at least 10 years or so. They are very tall 10'-12' or so, and very bushy stems with smallish 6" flowers. I save a ton of seeds before the birds hammer them in the Fall.

Yes, Speedie we do get to travel on occasion. Our next trip will be first week in March to St. Augustine Florida. May stop in Savannah Georgia along the way if time permits.


Thumbnail by lycodad
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I do too (see flying manure) i have 3 donkeys and a mule. i got plenty of it, it sure does create some fine Flower beds. My Brugs love it. Glad you all liked the pictures.
I made Al an ornament of Charley and he wears it on his hat. Charley is travelling all over the states with our AL....

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Yep - Our Charley pilots airplanes and drives a big fat Lincoln, too. He goes everywhere we go, and even navigates us back home when we're tired.


Thumbnail by lycodad Thumbnail by lycodad
sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

Arejay-anything you want to do is fine with me. and, anyone that wants to send seeds is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Lol good old Charley!! It's been busy here full of people with questions and answers!!
The new bees thread is always a place you can go to find a smile or some poo throwing!!
I think you will send to Rc ,bells but we will see how the donations go and who needs seed and things like that. We are fly by the seat of our pant getting out of the way of the throwing, we have been know to have a snowball fight now and again too watch out for the fly white stuff!!
I'm calling it a day I started at 2 so everyone have a good night and ill see you before the sun comes up!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Seems we do sidled Rc!! Ok we can work it I am sure we can it will be great to have two of us keeping track!!
Bells the icon on the desk top idea was a good one

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Friends!

Yes glad to read this thread is up and running again. Like Speedie, I am back in school for the same stuff, except I'm in the process of finishing my degree (master's). I did not collect a lot of seed for the season, but the kinds of things that I grow in the yard are for the bees and butterflies - mostly all natives and considered weeds. Does anyone want some weed seed? :D

Lots of Solidago and Asters, Agastache, Rudbeckias, Gaura. I even forgot to pick seed from the 'Cherry Brandy' which were started from seed not last year but the year before and did not bloom the first season.

So. Looking forward to lively chatter and getting to know some new bees.


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Goooooooood Morning Bee-You-teeful peoples!!

Just a short blurb, got to get some chores done 'cause I think DH will be coming home early since... WE'VE GOT A WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT, Wheeeeeeee!!!!! I'm so excited, we are finally going to get SNOW!!! I'm south of Washington DC, and this is where it's expected to "hit" the most... it's coming up from the south, and this type of storm ALWAYS hits really good! YIPPEEE!!! It could be as much as 8" by 1:00AM.

Hmmmm... sorry, got carried away with my Happy Dance... where was I? Oh yeah, Amanda!! How cool, I've back-read many of your posts... does this mean that one day I'll get to be as smart as you?? < =D (please say "yes"). ;) Your weed seeds sound great, actually. I love all of the ones you mentioned, and it's funny, they are not considered 'weeds' in my area. I ADORE Agastache, I grow them for the bees (I think I forgot to mention them earlier). I've only grown Tutti Frutti so far, but they've gotten over 7' tall and the bees swarm all over them, such happy music! =)

Alrighty then, time enough for one more thread, then I must buzz off for a bit. =)

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Good morning everyone:). Have fun in the snow Speediebean! Amandaesq, I would love some of your 'weed' seed, too! Do I have anything you might like on my trade list? I'll check your want list and see if I have anything you might like. I'm still adding so I might have something not on there:). Also, my neighbor (gardening pal Elsie) let's me snip in her yard! Thanks, like Speediebean said some folks don't consider those weeds and who cares anyway:). If it's green it's good LOL. Thanks,

Cold here too this morning! Get's you going!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I am happy to trade whatever I have. No Speedie, the Agastache is not considered a weed thanks to the industry. The ones I grow, however, reach up to 10'-12' tall. It's crazy. They were grown from seed I collected at the New England Wildflower Society's botanic garden when I worked there. It was supposed to have been 'Black Adder' but I've read that it doesn't set seed. A cross between A. rugosum and A. foeniculum, it must have reverted to the latter. I love it, but it's not for the cultivated garden. :D

I guess I really let it go this past season because the critters seemed to enjoy it so much that wild state - and have left the entire thing standing to act as protective cover from predators - we have a couple of species of hawks who like to think my bird feeders are out there as a buffet.

Speedie we are up to our eyeballs with rain. Not necessarily looking forward to snow - not like YOU. Yes you're crazy. Heh. January is always the time we get it in NC. IF we get it. So I'll put on my old Boston accent and pretend to be up north for a few days.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Its getting closer!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Wow 10 foot agastache!! Im not sure I can pass up wanting that!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha - seriously! I was aghast the first season. They're growing up against the house in full sun. Do you think it has to do with my horribly long growing season?!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I wish I had that trouble!!!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I hope today has slowed down for you arejay59? I'm freezing my tush off down here!
The icon is a good idea and Pfg is helping me, but so far I haven't found the arrow to push-probably staring me in the face:)

AmandaEsq, I sent you a dmail a minute or two ago to see if you are interested in trading. I'm really interested in the 10' agastache, too! Wow!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I think you can just click on that highlight it and drag it to your desk top and drop it

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

any and all contributions to the newbie seeds are welcome-"weeds" or otherwise!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol yes Rc weed ...whats that saying!! Weeds are flowers too once you get to know them!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Belle. If that doesn't work.

Go to the top of your browser (i.e. Mozilla or Internet Explorer) where it shows the internet address or URL (i.e.

Put your cursor over the text area where the address is showing (i.e. and right click. The menu comes up and says "copy" - use your LEFT click button to copy the address.


Minimize the web browser (ie. Mozilla or Internet Explorer). By minimize I mean in the extreme upper right corner of the window there are three little boxes, the "X" to close the page, the one in the middle/box to expand the page, and the one that looks like a hyphen/subtraction symbol. LEFT Click on the hyphen symbol to minimze.


on your Desktop (the place on your computer where all your files and program shortcuts show up) put your mouse cursor ANYWHERE on the screen and RIGHT click. A menu comes up and one option says "NEW". LEFT click on the "new" menu item.

On this menu, LEFT click the word "Shortcut" . A wizard will appear!! It will ask you to enter the internet address/URL of the website you'd like to have a shortcut for. Either type in, or RIGHT click and paste in the text box,

Then follow the directions to the end. I. E. if it says "finish" LEFT click on that button, and a new shortcut to DG should appear on your desktop.

This sounds way more complicated than it is.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

For the first time in over a week nothing was frozen when I got up. Did not have to chop ice on all the water dishes or the pond. Hopefully some of our citrus trees have survived, but not looking good. Fortunately has not affected the calif. natives growing on the property(that should teach me something)

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Our mystery weed from last year was an Evening Primrose. It was finally identified by several DG'ers and confirmed by a local landscape worker.

"Yep - It sure is an impressive looking one" LOL

I did NOT save the seeds for it..


Thumbnail by lycodad Thumbnail by lycodad
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from arejay59 :
Weeds are flowers too once you get to know them!!

Oh my gosh, I LOVE that!! I am going to find a way to get a plaque or something with that saying on it for one of my beds, I just HAVE to have it!! < =D I have been known to cultivate weeds on purpose, not caring that they were weeds, I just loved how they looked.. and how BIG they got! heeheeheheee

I will let Bell, and whomever else, have all the Agastache seeds, I am being a good girl this year **ahem** and sticking to my guns about focusing my efforts on SCHOOL. My garden beds will go wild, with minimal weeding/watering/feeding. Just the bare necessities. NO new additions! ... well, except for a light sprinkling of some Black Eyed Susan vine seeds to replace the Alyssum that I know will die out. ;), the Coreopsis has GOT to have a companion!!! < =0

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

And your "little" volunteer is gorgeous Al! What a remarkable visitor!! Sure wish I had visitors like that... all I've had is Dianthus.

I forgot to mention earlier.. the snow scare has been pushed back to 2:00 starting-time, however, it has been sleeting. YUCK.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Bell--when you're on the iPhone and signed in, at the top of the screen is the address bar, where it says etc, etc. Just to the left of that is a little symbol, a black arrow curving up
and to the right, click on that and there are several options. Add to Home Screen is what you want. It works for any website.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Yikes!!! So sorry!!!!! I was looking in the iPad. On the iPhone the little arrow is on the BOTTOM, in the middle, and it's white. My face is very red...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes Al that certainly is an evening primrose and she holds many good things for us too!! Evening Primrose was thought to treat in older times are asthma, eczema, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, circulatory problems and high cholesterol... among many many other things!! Mine grows wild right next to my St Johns wort!! There is a healthy cup of tea for you Al, evening primrose and st johns wort!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol PFG.....

Hartford, AL(Zone 8a)

Hi there, everybody! Old friends and new friends!!

Actually, I'm one of those "new bees quickly becoming an addict." But many of the nicest people I've met in my new favorite garden are already here in this thread. And apparently already having a great time!

Linnea and I live on 8 acres in LA (Lower Alabama.) I'm a very-recently retired special education teacher and she works in an assisted-living facility nearby. We both love gardening, veggies and flowers, and are looking forward to having more time to devote to them.

One word of warning, though. We just completed a trade with Bellesp. Not advisable unless you want to receive a box slam full of seeds, cuttings, and babies. Far more than what was agreed upon. Thanks, Bellesp, and all you other generous people!


Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi, all! Has anyone started out like me, as first a veggie gardener and then a flower fiend?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I grow them all Hiedi!! I stopped planting anything I couldn't use(eat or drink or turn into something) last year!! I did start with Veggies when I was maybe 7 potatoes!!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you everyone:). I found it! I found the icon button! Thank you! Thank you! blushing Francesca our Pom in pic looks worried, even!

Thumbnail by Bellsp
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Yay :)))))))

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you Jim! I love 'LA' people coming from Bama land myself. Your welcome, but you and Linnae sent me enough to share with neighbors, too:)! Anytime, lots of nice gardening friends here, I agree.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from arejay59 :
I grow them all Hiedi!! I stopped planting anything I couldn't use(eat or drink or turn into something) last year!! I did start with Veggies when I was maybe 7 potatoes!!

RJ, you were 7 potatoes once upon a time?? < =P

Oh boy, more new friends to meet!! Hi hi!

I started with flowers, actually, and have only just started "growing" into herbs and veggies this past year... a couple tomato plants, a pepper plant, some Lemon Grass, parsley, and Cilantro. Can you believe it, my parsley is STILL growing on my deck, with fresh new leaves just ready for me to nibble them. I think they will have to go on my cod for dinner tonight. =)

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Heidi, I'm like a house divided or which came first the egg or chick. I can't remember, but I love them both...

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

For me it's still mostly flowers, but I do have a few raised beds for tomatoes, greens and a few other goodies

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I love to experiment with stuff from the grocery store, spice rack, bean aisle, fruit stand, etc. right now I'm trying to grow pomegranates and a yummy fruit called chayotes that is supposed to grow on a vine here. I may have split the seed in two when I cut into it (guess ill have to eat some more)! I didnt know, but there is just one pumkin size seed in the middle. But I read you can pretty much just lay the seed on the ground and it will grow. We will see. I grew a beginner avocado and to my surprise it is now 4' and living in a sheltered spot in the yard. We did have a mild winter, though and I covered it.

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I have found I have to get tomato plants out super early here or late in fall and cross fingers for no frost to beat the heat! I am now experimenting with a wild Everglades cherry tomato and Floridade. We will see! I love tomatos, green beans and okra. My phone is about to die on me. It may be later till I get back here or in am if it gets busy, but I would love advice on varieties for north Florida on tomatos. Pfg, if you like green beans I have a great heirloom one that a friend gave me that is just delicious canned or snapped and seems bug and disease resistant. It's been in her family for generations. The seed is black, but not like others I've tried.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

I have had great success with stupice, floradade and several italian tomatoes here in the heat. the Italian varieties thrive in it.

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