Seedling look there are dying

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I have several dozen pots of new seedling & There were growing great until
I cut the tops off them because they were growing to tall for my grow light, I
raised the height of my grow light & now for the last 3 months they will not
grow, I keep feeding them & nothing works. Did I make a mastake by cutting
them, Has anyone had this happen to them or has anyone got any ideas on
what I can DO??????????

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sufficient light for daylily growth is about 16 hrs. per day... If you are growing indoors don't be afraid to give them a diluted feeding of fertilizer..If these are dormant crosses, and the grow lights are only about 8 hours per day even seedlings indoors will go dormant..

Photo is a seedling outdoors in a one gallon pot, without the foliage being pulled back it would appear to be dying, but is very much alive

Thumbnail by Lyle627
Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Lyle.. They are all tets & they get 14 hours of light each day, I have a 400 watt grow light so I better kick up the light 2 more hours & I give them a little food each day Plus Super Thrive & a little Hydrogen peroxideto keep them from damping off.

I don't know what else to do, Several of the seeds I paid $50.00 for 5 seeds & I got some good ones from John Benz

$50 for 5 seeds. I thought I was nuts!

I keep lights on for 16 hours/dayfor both iris and daylilly seedlings. I always cut the leaves down to prevent them from touching the light. I keep he light 1" above the leaves.

If plants are not growing, don't feed. They can't use the food when not in active growth. When they ae growing dlute the plant food for seedling by 1/4.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

When tops are cut the roots will develop faster since there is not as much foliage to use nutrients, which most soilless mixes are void of and if you want large seedlings to transplant in the spring you will need to feed them. Temps between 67 – 70 deg your seedlings should be growing also if you are feeding everyday your plants may be too wet, seedlings don’t like to be soggy, also indoors winter growing can create very dry conditions which just some bowls of water can make a difference in humidity under grow lights - which depending on what type of grow light how much heat is generated on you plants..

If you could post a photo it may be easier to diagnose

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I would move some of that soil away from around the crown

I hate to keep bringing up these sponges, but I would not have kept trying on the seeds if I had not found them. The seeds do great in them, develope excellent root systems and can stay in the forever if need be. I just found some that I must have left out last summer, nary a bit of green in sight, dead looking roots, I set them in the tray of water and they are back growing like champs. Since they float in the water, the roots go crazy and are happy as clams, the styrafoam keeps the crown dry and the roots around it happy.

Sorry if you have heard me talk about these before. I certainly know lyle has ;-). Of course, Lyle used to use them also until he started growing so many. 60 seedling fit in one tray. The light and cup thing just didnt work for me.

Thumbnail by gardenglory Thumbnail by gardenglory Thumbnail by gardenglory

Looking good. I wonder how do you get them acclimated to grow in soil after the roots spent time in water, which is easier for them to grow in. In other words, don't they suffer a "transplanting" shock.

Below is my 5-step from seed to planting. I use Deno method (moist kitchen towel) Seeds sprouted Oct -November 2011, and planted May 31, 2012. The 4th photo show roots growing in a 3" pot ready for planting outdoors. They do get placed on the north side of my garage on a stand for morning sun to harden them off before planting in the nursery.

There are 116 DL seedlings and 64 in another area. On the right is iris seedlings. I can hardly wait for spring. The 64 should bloom this season as they were sown 2009. Six did bloom last summer.

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Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I enjoy this forum , watching all the different processes and techniques everyone has is interesting , lot to be to discern and learn around these threads , good reading .
and a Nice stand of seedlings ,,
Thank you all for sharing ...

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I have seedlings growing in my house & I though I would try something different to feed them so I use alfalpha pellets soaked in water for 2 weeks & everyone keeps asking what that smell is, They say it smells like horse manure (It really does.) I hope it works because it stinks up the whole house. Does ANYONE have any ides what else would work better, I have used miracole grow but if I use to much it burns the plants.

I use only Miracle-Gro. It should not burn plants if mixed according to directions. I use it on everything, including roses. It is the only plant food that is complete in what plants need.

You can dilute it to make it less potent. I dilute it to 1/4th strenght for young seedlings.

Forgot to add that I always cut my DL leaves down and never have a problem. I keep doing it as they grow down to 3".

This message was edited Mar 1, 2013 10:37 PM

Perhaps you are overdoing it in feeding. I feed once or twice/month with deluted Miracle-Gro. Ov erfeeding will cause problems and can burn roots. Also leave behind salt from the fertilizer.

Bleow are this season't daylily seedlings in Feb. 2013. Photo taken before "haircut".

This message was edited Mar 1, 2013 10:49 PM

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Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I think I am overfeeding & have lost many seedlings, They start to turn brown on the tip of the leaves & then start to wilt or some of them start to curl up on the end of the leaves & then die. I have had a lot of them get new leaves about 5 or 6 new leaves & then one by one the new leaves will die & then new ones will grow & then some more of the new leaves will keep dying until I get down to 1 leave & then the plant will die. I had a couple of them die off & then I wait a couple weeks & they will start to grow again. STRANGE..

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