Wanted Plants for Florida climate

Muskegon, MI(Zone 5a)

I have just moved to Florida for the winter months and trying to find the best plants to make my new home beautiful during the months that we are down here...I now live in zone 9b and Im just starting to go to the nurseries and find the best plants that will continue to flourish when Im home in Michigan for the rest of the year..If there is anybody out there in the the gulf area near Tarpon Springs and has any plants that they are willing to share I would be the happiest person...I would be able to bring things from up north next year to share or maybe work something out...any help would be so appreciated..Judy who is loving this sun

Mulberry, FL

Welcome Judy I live to far away I am in lakeland my suggestion to you is hit the flea markets plants are cheap. Good luck!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

If your going to be in Florida ... there is a Round up / DG get together on April 13th. There are Always tons & tons of plants. Also there is a huge sale in Gainesville on the March 23 & 24th. I'm in NE Florida ... Also go look in the communities section of the disscusion area for Florida. There are a bunch of people in the Central Florida area. Hit up the Lowes clearance racks.


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