HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS - Valentine Exchange

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

As promised I am starting a Valentine Exchange

Come on you guys, Everyone sounded excited about doing a valentine exchange but I only have two
ladies signed up.

I have been informed that this is the one place where everyone can sign up. I really would love to get everyone involved so it you aren't a subscriber you can still join in. Just post your name and that you want to join in and I will add you to the list.

It is going to have a theme of sorts which will allow you some leeway .


This is who I have so far. If you signed up and your name isn't on the list just holler at me, but not too loud please. Heheh










If I have you on the list and you aren't suppose to be there you can tell me quietly I messed up again . heheh

Now you can use that to you own interpretation
Your valentines can be stitched, painted, presented as a card,made as a doll, or any way you which to make your valentine.

One rule is, They must all be Hand Made. No exceptions this time. You of course may purchase your materials and decorate with purchased items but the Valentine itself must be hand made.

Sign up begins today and ends on the 15th of January. All Valentines must be mailed NO LATER then the 11th of February. You may want to check with your PO to make sure that the Valentine will arrive in time for Valentines Day.

The Value should be equal to in respect to each other so I am placing a $20 value. That could be considered time and materials but not postage.
Here are a few ideas
These are just something to stir the brain waves it hopes that the love starts to flow. hehehe

Please don't miss out on this fun Valentine Exchange.

Come on all you stitchers and quilters that said they want to be a part of it., Here is a chance for you to shine.


This message was edited Jan 9, 2013 7:52 AM

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