Tutorial for making Beaded Gourds

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Link to the tutorial:. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1293843/

Please refrain from conversation on the tutorial site with the exception of questions that may help others in the process of waxing or beading. Thanks so much for doing
this as it will alleviate a huge lengthy post. Hope you all will enjoy the tutorial and I am open to any suggestions as to presenting this tutorial. I don't have access to a video cam or I would have done it that way. Maybe in the future.

I hope I can pull this off and if you have any questions, Or Suggestions, my Dmail is always open.
It is going to be an ongoing tutorial and I am going to try and figure out how I can keep that on a separate page so that it doesn't get confused with other postings. Let me know if you haven't got your materials yet.
I will begin by showing you the process of applying the wax.

I am working like crazy getting this put together. I am working on the materials list now and will post it soon as my battery recharges on my camera.

I am adding the material list with photos so it is in a new posting

Anyone can join in. There will be no end date or day to day. It will just be a tutorial on how to do this that will walk you through it.
Feel free to drop in anytime or just be a looky loo NO Problem.

I am thinking that a post by post tutorial will work great since it allows me five pics per post. I was going to try and figure out a recorded one but I don't have a great webcam so if you can all deal with a visual I will go with that. I do better with pics anyways as far as my learning a new craft goes.
Some of the materials will make you go HUH?? but you will understand as we go.
Be thinking of what you are going to want to create and the fact that you will be sculpting it to a small extent. If you want one dimensional then you won't have to sculpt much. Think of a theme and think about size. Remeber the beads are tiny tiny tiny so its going to take some time

Patience is a virtue and a little glass of wine helps too, eheheh

I have been asked by many how I bead my gourds.
Well, It is a long and tedious process, but to those of you that are interested I am going to offer to teach a
gourd, or what ever you choose to use, beading tutorial.
This is not a class where you will walk away with a finished product but it will get you started so
that you can do it at you leisure. If there is enough interest I will produce this for you all. I have taught three classes on
the process and filled up every class. The last one was at the Siletz Indian Reservation here in Toledo,
Oregon. I taught it to several of the local residents as well as some from Newport and surrounding areas. We had a blast. I taught it
at the library and it was a 3 day class. It cost $45 but had no problem with the charge as I donated it back to the children's fund at the reservation.
So, If you would be interested in doing this, there will be no charge just a bit of a commitment to follow though with the the class.
I am still working on putting the tutorial all together so if you are interested, Please sign up and the class will begin on
January 19th. Sign up ends on the 12th. of January. I will give you a supply list and to those that are interested and sign up
I will offer to make you one of my tools of the trade that you will find extremely helpful in picking up and applying the tiny beads into the wax.

I am working on the Thingamajigs today so that anyone that wants one just needs to drop me a Dmail with your request, They are $5 for materials and shipping. Just drop it in an envelope. I trust the USPS or a check. You can use a T-pin this is just a little easier to work with.


This message was edited Jan 18, 2013 8:17 AM

Thumbnail by Gourdbeader Thumbnail by Gourdbeader Thumbnail by Gourdbeader
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