Solandra blooming

Mulberry, FL

Cool flower looking forward to more of this next year

Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants
Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Nice! I love vines.Thanks for sharing your picture.


Mulberry, FL

Your welcome me too.!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Oh those always are a treat when they bloom!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Great flowers there Dana.. are you looking for them to be blooming through to spring?

Mulberry, FL

Really don't know proably depends on the weather

Mulberry, FL

I could not belive it I got a seed pod

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

WOW! That's awesome!!! I hand pollinate every flower I get with no luck.

Mulberry, FL

First time must be lucky!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Keep us updated .. I'd like to see what the seeds look like!

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

So would I! Congratulations.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

A search shows the seeds should look like those in this image:

Mulberry, FL

Wow there should be quite a few in there if there that small.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Congratulations there Dana.. will you leave it on till it falls off .. it looks like the pod has it's own leaf set attached... very interesting.... so have you been hand pollinating .. or is this an unassisted occourance.. just lucky ...haha... that and great preperation... is it potted... throughout the year.. or was it dug up.. or did the enclosure get built around it.. just thinking of what you'll do to get it outside come warmer weather...and how the pod might react...
Have a great New Year there...

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

When I lived in Missouri, I had a huge Solandra maxima vine in a pot, which I dragged it in and out of the garage every fall/winter/spring. Since it blooms in the winter, I had no pollinators, thus, no seed pods, but it sure was a reliable bloomer once it got mature enough - loved that vine!

Mulberry, FL

I hand pollenated it I put them in for the winter there in pots I do have 2 in the ground a varigated and regular we have not been too cold yet to make me figure out what I will do when it happens. They are growing well but not offering to bloom yet.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)'s an interesting ethnobotanical reference to your solandra

This message was edited Jan 28, 2013 10:38 PM

Mulberry, FL

Another getting ready to open

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Lovely... they are special... they are winter blooming... the one at the brooklyn Botanical Garden was in full flower.. it must have had two dozen flowers opened last Saturday... The great gardens there are so close to me.. maybe between two and three miles away... I seldom go ... it's time I guess and parking .. but mostly the humility of seeing things doing so spectactularly... I hate it.. off now to spray the reemergence of the spydermites...

Mulberry, FL

Colored up looks like its ready to pop!

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Mulberry, FL

I would have never thought that this is in the Datura family. Good piece to read I met a older man at the flea market he was selling fruit trees. We were taking about brugmansia he said you know why they call them angel trumpets I said no. He says they smoke the flowers and the angels come to you. Choclate Brug said you smoke the flowers angels will be coming to get you alright LOL

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. Dana!

Mulberry, FL

OK here it is this is a different plant different flower I bought this one from Ebay first one was called cup of gold this was sold as Solandra thats it huge flower. I have this in the ground and in pots the one in the ground has grown 6-8 ft and is now trying to wrap around one of my brugs. If they like where they are they grow good.

Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants
Mulberry, FL

well it colored up this morning last night I pollenated it flower fell off this afternoon looks like
I might get another seed pod

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

oh..very pretty Dana...with so mny seeds... put me down for receiving a few somehow..
have you seen the varaigated ones...
perhaps I can trade something for some you wear earrings

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Mulberry, FL

Thanks for the offer I have the varigated too there slow growing I have grown alot of different things from seeds better off with a peice to root they root very easy here. Catch me in the spring when its not too cold to ship

Mulberry, FL

Another one think I have another seed pod coming the first ones not doing anything but that flower has been there for 3 days I think it took

Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants Thumbnail by Danasplants

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