how do you sort scraps

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

OK, so Im about to come apart at the seams. Thought I would 'sort' scraps and its a nightmare. Could you all tell me what you do.
This is what Im doing, first its been tons of ironing. I am cutting 6" 5" 31/2" and 2 inch that to many sizes...not enough...???
Its the pieces of fabric that I have a full length of that is throwing me the most. Do I keep it in Strips..6,5,4,3,2"...maybe just 5" and 21/2", or should i just cut them in blocks too...Im keeping the 1/4 yard and up full lengths as they are, fat quarters stay.
Do you seperate colors and themes as you go, or just cut and come back.
I know when done, Im gunna be glad, and will probably use alot of fabric for scrap quilts, that would have just sat there for me to look at. Right now tho, Im in a bit of a dither. This all started with those darn wonky blocks ;-) Im guessing I should not have started this till after the new year.

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