Finally got a weathervane for my coop

Bridgewater, ME

Hubby putting up weathervane I won on ebay.Got a good deal on it to.Have been looking for a long time for one but they were so expensive,Got this for $23.50 plus shiiping,it was in the origanal box from 1992

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

Nifty! Quite a find.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks great!

(Zone 6b)

Yes, how cute, and your husband too. Handsome fellow.

(Zone 5b)

I like it!!!!

Union Grove, WI(Zone 5b)

Sweet !

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