Merry Christmas Haystack

Bridgewater, ME

Just in case you still follow us here on Daves Garden I want to wish you a merry Christmas,was thinking about you and all the help you gave me when I first started raising chickens.Hope you are having a good time traveling.Sure do miss your wit and information,its not the same here now

This message was edited Nov 28, 2012 1:04 PM

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

I miss haystack too. I hope he comes back.

Merry Christmas Haystack, where ever you are!

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Me too. Something has been missing, and it sure would be nice to have the input back...

(Zone 6b)

I really didn't think he could stay gone, I figured two months tops. Now, I'd really be surprised if he comes back. It certainly is not the same without him. He has wit, intellect and charm.

He may be one of those people that when they make a decision they stick to it and do not waiver. Something wasn't sitting well with him where he was. It seems to me, and I could be wrong, but he seemed to be looking for some pretty drastic changes in his life. He even talked about moving across the country to another state.

I watch the show "Survivor" even though it is full of paganism, God forgive me. Last night after he was voted off, Jonathan Penner said, "I'll just take my ball and go play somewhere else".

I hope Haystack and his wife are happy and enjoying life wherever they are playing ball. GBU Haystack. Hope you found what you were looking for. Take care.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Perhaps Joyeux Noel, Haystack!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I miss him too. Such a kind man, very giving and thoughtful. I pray he and his DW are doing well wherever they are and that they are both happy. I would so love to hear from him again. He is a fine Christian gentleman.

Bridgewater, ME

He sure is

(Zone 5b)

I miss him too. I hope whatever he and his wife are doing they're having FUN and enjoying their life!

Redwood City, CA


Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Double Ditto! ....Sure do miss him. :(

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