Trade for African violet leaves

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I know this is a bad time of year for this, but if your not in the extreme north, i've been receiving leaves and plants this time of year and they are arriving just fine, i'll send out priority mail in an insulated box ( insulated with insulation) around the outside edges of the box.

i have the following variegated leaves to trade for other show quality AV leaves.

fisherman's paradise
ma's winter moon
Cranberry sparkler
Aca's red ember

I have other variegated ones, but they aren't quite big enough to send leaves yet.

Let me know if you want to trade, or if you think a spring trade would be best, let me know. I'm new to trading leaves.

Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey Kathy :)

IMHO, I would wait until spring unless your trades head south. We don't trade over on the A.V. forum after it turns cold unless you just want to chance it. If you are just getting into Gesneriads, you can also go over there and put in you haves and wants. Spring Fever will hit and you will probably get some offers over there for spring trading too :)


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Ok, thanks Connie, I will do that, I just went there last night and checked out the forum, have never been over there. thanks.

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