Moodene here....

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Been so busy here at work and around the house..I can now relax abit..I lost my piggy-Daisymae this morning..she was 13 yrs son is home for Thanksgiving and he will go dig her a grave for her..sigh..

So how is everybody doing?? OH I got me some Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and Lavendar Orpington chickens..My cousin raises them..she gonna give me some more of them.. So that makes 3 breeds of Orpingtons I have...

Richmond, TX

Hi Moodene! Sorry to hear of your loss - 13 years is quite a good life!

I hope we will get pictures of your Orpington collection... (hint, hint). I only have Buffs, but they are among my favorites.

(Zone 6b)

I saw the cutest baby pig picture the other day. It isn't mine, but I snagged it.

Thumbnail by Light_for_Jesus
(Zone 6b)

I may have told this before, but when I was a little girl visiting my uncle's farm, I caught a baby pig coming out a small hole in the barn. It started squealing just like a baby. The sow inside almost tore the barn down trying to get to it. My uncle was none too happy with me.

My mom said, "Karen that old sow could have killed you!" Still, I got the hold that baby pig for a few minutes. It was so cute.

So Moodene are you going to get another pig?

Richmond, TX

Piglets are incredibly cute!

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Moodene, I group pet pigs in with pet dogs. They are smart, have individual personalities, and become part of the family. I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm down do 3 hens but up to 7 peacocks. Donkeys and goats and dogs doing well at this moment (knock wood). Am thinking of getting a couple of ducks for my orchard (enclosed) and am trying to decide what breed of hens I want to try next to go in with my 3 Brahmas. DH and I are as happy as if we were in our right minds! Hope you all are the same!


(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

I am not getting anymore animals at this moment...maybe down the road..My daughter who is in the Air Force has orders to go to South Korea on Feb 1 2013 for 15 months...she is trying to put on a good face for her daughter-my granddaughter who will be 7 months on my priority is to see if my help will be needed to help my son in law with Emma..We all are heartbroken because my daughter will miss everything my granddaughter does when she learns her first things to do and she won't be there..Pictures and videos are not the same as being there to witness the delights of a baby learning to do new things...

(Zone 6b)

Very disturbing situation. No words here.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Will her DH and Emma be going with her?
So sorry about your pig.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

No they will not be going with her. Families not allowed at this time around. Sigh...

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

That is so sad. My nephew was in the marine corps and stationed in Hawaii. His wife and children were there with him and when he was deployed, she and the children would stay in Texas with my sister or with his brother and family. They had 3 small children at the time and it was so hard for her with no help. He was away quite a bit during his two hitches. He was in Iraq 3 times, Afghanistan 1 time and deployed at sea twice for 6 months each time. He is out of the service now and about to graduate from the police academy. They are expecting their 5th child now.

I hope the time passes quickly for your DD and family. Do they skype on their computer?

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

As a veteran I would like to comment. When I went in the army, I was drafted. We had no choice.
Now people enlist, the pay is super, & they know about be deployed & not taking family along.
I know it doesn't seem fair, but they made the choice.
Just be glad it's Korea & not a war zone.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My nephew was not drafted. He enlisted because he wanted to serve his country. He reupped for the same reason. He was a marine. They are warriors and fighting is what they do. They fight or they train to fight and they are very good at it. It's a hard life and not for everyone. Doesn't make them better. Just different. His company was the first company in country when we invaded Iraq. He and his company did not bathe or change clothes for 30 days. He went back to Iraq twice more and then to Afghanistan. He is a seasoned warrior and now he will keep the streets safe for citizens in his city. He knew what the Marine Corps was all about and he never complained. I know he was glad to be able to have his family with him and they were glad to have the opportunity. We all worried about his safety as a soldier and we will worry about his safety as a peace officer but we are very proud of him and greatful for his service and to all the soldiers for their service to our country. Thank you for your service and Moodene, please thank your daughter for me. She is making a great sacrifice and it does not go unoticed nor unappreciated.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Thank y'all for the comments. As for extra pay- my daughter was told she isn't getting any extra pay. She is getting less pay for this. She tried to file seperation from the Air Force but was denied then she was told she had to go or go to jail. She is putting on a civil face for her kids. But they will be hurt more than my daughter. She is not sure why she is going in the first place. She has been overseas twice already and now this??

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Yes they gave Skype ready. My daughter is in the medical field..

Richmond, MI(Zone 5a)

so sorry for the family. i know it is not easy my daughter has been in army 18 1/2 years over sea i lost count around 11 time or more she comes back with the grace of god she has 2 children 9 and 6 they do fine dad is there but also is army and goes over and they go to bad places but as my daughter says i do it for the freedom of all the people in the world and it never gets ease for us . iam a very proud mom

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

As well you should be. Please thank your DD and DSIL for me.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Good news today!!! Departing date has been moved to the end of April 2012. I have been having prayer roundup's lately. My daughter says: yahoo n more time for me to get knocked up. LoL. I thought ?? What??
If she gets pregnant, then she is off the hook for a long time.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Now my daughter says: she needs another round of prayers. I told her Lets go for the hoping to be Knocked up soon prayers. LoL

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Does she actually want more children? How much longer does she have in the service?

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Yes she wants 1 more. She is in military hopefully until she retires but....

(Zone 6b)

Guess we all have our own personal views of military and wars. People do what they do for their own reasons, selfish or unselfish, on track or misled.

I must say I am abhorred by the all the death our country has caused in the middle east. Over one and a half million if my sources are correct. I am also abhorred by the nine million people from a certain religious group from over there that have come here to live, with our government's encouragement, I might add. From my perspective the world has gone berserk.

Congrats on the postponement.

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