Bud Count 2012

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Please feel free to add to this list.
My top producer (pictured) was Autumn King at 91. Look like 7w with a terminal Y. I am not an expert at this interpretation, but, I can count. LOL
Big Snowbird - 42
Carolina June Bug - 41
Boundless Beauty - 32 & 36
August Flame - 36
Fooled Me - 34
Victorian Lace -32. So much for the lower bud count going north. Reg at 23b
Mardi Gras Parade - 32
South Seas - 32
Crimson Pirate - 31
Carolina Ruffles - 30
Carmine Monarch - 28
Just Plum Happy - 27
Illini Jackpot - 27
Elegant Candy - 26
Endless Heart, aka, Earlybird Cardinal - 26
Affairs Of The Heart - 22
Seminold Wind - 22
Mini Pearl - 22
Bela Lugosi - 21
Forestlake Ragamuffin - 21
Heavenly Angel Ice - 21
Northern Rose - 20
Yazoo Jim Terry - 20
Stump Knocker - 20
Malaysian Monarch -19
Ruby Stella - 18. Thanks Hemlady for this one.
Sylvan King Spider - 18
Myan Poppy - 18
Absolute Treasure - 17
Elizabeth Salter - 17
Rainbow Drive - 16
Bermuda Coral - 15
Lime Frost - 15

This message was edited Nov 18, 2012 6:24 PM

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Is Forestlake Gagamuffin a new intro? I've never heard of that one.....LOL

Now I have seen Forestlake Ragamuffin......


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Linda, that was a typo that I corrected. Thanks for pointing that out. Mike

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Mike, I hope you didn't take offense. I laughed quite a while over that one, even though I knew that was what happened. Got to keep you on your toes.


Cartersville, GA

Mike, you do a very good job growing your daylilies. It is obvious from your pictures. Your budcount is impressive!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't bother with bud count because even though the plant has high bud count I never get it in my zone. I bought 2 several years ago that supposedly had 50 plus bud count and barely got 20 here unfortunately.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Linda, I am always on my toes. LOL!! No offense. I have thick skin !
Doris it's hard work, but, somebody have to do it. If only I was just as enthusiastic about other chores and stuff. BFG! Was I the only one that took some notes on B/C???????

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Cindy, what is the name of the two ? if you don't mind sharing.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Enchanted April and Maxfield Parrish.

We don't get much rebloom here either unfortunately.

This message was edited Nov 20, 2012 9:36 AM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, I did not take notes on bud count. Are you counting how many buds per scape, or overall? I'm pretty sure when a hybridizer lists bud count it's per scape, as you can't list overall, as some years there will be more scapes than others. I only ask because those bud counts are soooo impressive, and 91 for Autumn King is EXTREMELY impressive.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

According to AHS, you take the count of ALL the buds, not just per scape. In other words, all scapes and all buds.

I have my counts, but will have to list them later, as I'm too busy with other stuff right now.
I took pictures of them all.

My oldest plants are from August 2010, so only a few are really settled in. Surprisingly, I had some good bud counts on some of my newer daylilys!


This message was edited Nov 21, 2012 11:33 PM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I always thought that it was per scape. It doesn't make sense to count overall. I mean, what of you have a clump with say 3 scapes, and another with maybe 8 our 10, then of course the bigger clumps will have a lot more buds.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, my count is by single scape

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Sorry you guys, I misread that definition. DUH

I did count scars & scapes, so here is what I have. Most are a year or less except where I noted 2 years old.

Aaron's Little Whopper - 6 + 12 on Rebloom on 1 scape, even though they didn't bloom, but froze and got knocked off by the birds!

Apache War Dance - 5
Asheville Bele Chere - 6
Baby Boomer - 14
Bitone Pink Double - 12
Blueberry Blush - 4
Dena Marie - 5
Doubly Delicious - 3
Ellen Christine - 12 (2 yrs old)
Glendevon - 5 (2 yrs old)
Guadalajara - 9
Hold Your Horses - 5
Ida's Magic - 5
Joan Senior - 12 (I think) (2 yrs old)
Lana Ishee - 6
Late Rose - 19 (2 yrs old)
Oodnadata - 13 (2 yrs old)
Oxymoron - 5
Papillon - 19 (2 yrs old)
Pardon Me - 20 (2 yrs old)
Pony - 8 (2 yrs old)
Regal Air - 7
Regal Finale - 5
Sparks Cool Mountain Mist - 7
Strutters Ball - 5
Sunrise Sunset Beautiful - 17
Too Marvelous - 9
Trimmed in Gold - 3
Venice is Sinking - 5
Walters Tango - 15 (3 scapes - 32 total)
Zella Virginia - 28 (not sure on this one) (2 yrs old)

Several others with only 1 - 4 buds and some didn't bloom. Just the buds that dried up in the heat. I didn't start giving them more water until late June, or I'm sure the bud counts would have been higher on some of them at least. Next year I'll keep better track of "single" scapes so I'll know for sure.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Linda they will get better with time, water and mulch.
Karen, that was the only scape on Autumn King that I got from you in late spring of 2011

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Ok, thanks for clarifying that, Mike. I investigated a little more, and looked at registration info, and here's what they said about bud count:

Bud count varies from scape to scape on a single plant. Calculate the average number of buds per scape for your plant.

So basically you figure out how many buds are there (or were there, counting the scars) on each scape, and then average that out. Each scape will vary as to how many buds it has, so that's why you count all and give an average. Like say you have 10 buds on 2, 14 buds each on 3 more, 9 on another, and 16 on 2 more. I'm awful at figuring out averages. Is there a formula to use? Would it maybe be 14 for an average?

Linda, your plants are still young. As they say, the first year they sleep, second year they creep, and third year they leap. Once they're in their third year, it will give you a better idea of what their bud count will be. However, you really can't go by your counts if you have a lean water year and they aren't getting supplemental watering from the start of the season.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mike, we cross-posted. That is an impressive bud count for Autumn King, considering you only had one scape, and the plant was less than a year old. I don't think mine has ever done that well. I'm going to try and give it more fertilizer next year. What do you fertilize with?


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, I generally prepare the planting hole with a few to several handful of M/G potting soil, some Milorganite, Humus/Manure and a little A/pellets and/or meal. Soak and top dress with mulch. In the spring I try to top dress at least my FAV's with manure and a slow release fertilizer. I have also used some FISH Emulsion at times during the growing season. I have also used the M/G garden soil when there's a great deal like the one I got from Lowes this past spring. 4- 1cu. ft bags for ten dollars. I usually mix all this up in the wheel barrow to make it easier. I am always experimenting with different stuff. I would like to try the compost tea next season. I will be making my own compost next season. I bought one of those tumblers two seasons ago. We will see!!
Based on your math above you would total up all your blooms/scars etc, and divide by the number of scapes. My numbers were the best scapes. It would be too time consuming to count every scape. I usually just observe during the growing season to determine which scape I want to check at the end of the bloom cycle. Mike

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for helping me out on that, Mike, and thanks for the info on fertilizing. I may try fish emulsion next year, and maybe some alfalfa pellets. I've also heard epsom salts work great. I am mathematically brain dead, btw.


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