Lousiana Black Gamecock Iris in winter.

McKinney, TX

Hello, I've got a Lousiana Black Gamecock Iris in my pond. The plant is doing well getting big and healthy compaired to 6 months ago when I recieved it. Yesterday was a close call when the temperature droped 32.7. But I've heard the species of Iris is winter hardy if it's below the ice. Can someone help me? Do I pull them inside or let them go to sleep for the winter?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I think it should be OK. Black Gamecock is one of the hardiest varieties of Louisiana irises. And where you live is not that far from their native habitat, and they grow under water there.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have black gamecock in my pond and I have never moved it out. It has had to be split several times so I'd think it would be fine for the winter.

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