Dish Garden Workshops

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Our garden club is having a dish garden workshop tomorrow night. I look forward to this one. I have been shopping for plants everywhere. Those I don't use in a dish garden will go into my terrarium. The plants in there have grown too well and are now very large. I have to replace them with smaller ones. I will put up pictures of some of them after tomorrow. The one in this picture I made several years ago for the flower show in Boston. My sister gave me the little coyote statue, which is an original piece of art a friend made. I call it my "Roadrunner and the Coyote" dish garden.
It will be an example for the others tomorrow.

Thumbnail by gardenmart
Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Actually, the brain cactus in there died a while back and I replaced it with another roundish shaped cactus. I have a picture of the current configuration somewhere. I will have to find it and post it.

Thomaston, CT

Lovely dish garden....I have a huge cactus....don't want to touch it, but it really should be repotted.....

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