Are there any dark red pelargoniums?

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

My wife really likes dark red pelargoniums (she has one ivy geranium in a pot that we bring in every winter that has lasted over 5 years).

I have grown zonal geraniums from seed for her window boxes, but none that I've tried (Moulin Rouge Red, Ringo Deep Scarlet, Multibloom Red, Orbit Scarlet) have satisfied her as being dark enough. In looking through websites this fall, I found a promising variety just labeled "Cherry", but then found a similar offering from another supplier with a much lighter hue so I don't know whose picture to trust.

So I would like to appeal to you DG experts. Can you suggest from your experience a seed-grown pelargonium that is darkish and reddish enough to satisfy her?

If I can't find a source for that seed, I may just have to buy plants and take cuttings to propagate them. ( Our local nurseries don't seem to carry the dark red colors, but I've recently spotted Americana Dark Red plants on a website that may have possibilities.)

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

   Hmm. Either there aren't many dark red varieties, or else flower gardeners have gone dormant like their plants! I have found pix of Calliope Dark Red, a cross between Ivy and Zonal geraniums that might work. I'll have to check local nurseries to see if they will carry it next year, since no seeds are available.

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

Try searching for Aristo black and "Royal Black Rose" to see if they are something that might work. I have no personal knowledge of what they look like and I understand how hard it is to judge from pictures.

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Doug. I found 'Aristo Black' on line, currently not available, but maybe the'yll have some come spring.

Also found someone selling seeds. I think I'll risk some, even tho DG PlantFiles says seeds for Aristo Black won't breed true.

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