CLOSED: Group Order of JL Hudson

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

I will be placing my annual order from JL Hudson and I thought maybe folks would like to go in together on orders. I often have SO many seeds leftover but, since these are heirlooms, I can seed save so I don't need the rest in the packet. Rather than seed trading one type at a time, and paying postage on every one of those trades, I thought maybe I could find others who want to split packets from the beginning! I'll be happy to re-package the seeds and get them to everyone. Wanna try?

A. Let's start out by saying that a half-packet will be half the price. If it turns out that some of the packets can be divided in smaller portions than half, we'll adjust from there.
B. Order will go in on December 1st so that everyone can have their seeds before the holidays. I'll probably buy into shares of other seeds here to give to my family members over the holidays!
C. How to participate: List what items you want, include the item number, and whether you want a full packet, half-packet, or (if practical) a quarter-packet. If you want more than one full packet, just note that too.
D. If items are listed as Out of Stock do not worry! The 2013 seed stocks are being dried now, and will be ready soon. Go ahead and list them!

The current order (updated):
What would you like?

RESERVED ACCESS ORDER (limited by policy at
Allium karataviense "Blue Tongue Leek", R-ALUM-45
Bomarea Caldasii, R-BOMA-12
Cleome serrulata, R-CLEO-22
Kadsura japonica, R-KADS-13
Lobelia inflata, R-LOB-17
Lunaria rediviva "Perennial Honesty", R-LUNA-4
Romneya Coulteri, "Matilija Poppy", R-ROMN-1
Schisandra chinensis, R-SCHI-6
Tomato Grandma Aiello's, R-VTOM-GA

This message was edited Nov 6, 2012 8:52 PM

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I'd love to get in on this... I have to run out now, will get more specific later.

Thanks! Pam

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Less than a week to jump in on this order

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

So sorry to back out, just can't do it at this time.



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