algae on sundew pot surface

Arlington, TX

I bought some small sundews and they are looking pretty good indoors but I see a lot of algae growing on the surface. The mix is sphagnum/sand with some LFSM on top. I have seen a little algae at various times but never had a pot with this much. Will this be harmful and should I repot?

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

When you say algae are you referring to a blue green cyno that is slimy? If so, no it is not harmful to the drosera as it mainly grows on and within the lfsm.

Arlington, TX

It is slimy and is covering a large part of the surface. The moss has started to green up but most of the color is coming from the algae.

Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

I would not be concerned with it unless it begins to take over everything which is unlikely.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Is it algae or moss? Are you sure it's algae?

Arlington, TX

Yes, I am sure. I have a lot of pots with growing SM so I do indeed know algae when I see it. I just never had quite that much before.

north coast nsw, Australia

The algae forms because there kept moist, i dont know if theres anything you can do about it but it doesnt seem to affect the plants. You can just replace the top layer as it'll only be on the very top.

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