Daylily Seedlings...will frost hurt them?

Wynnburg, United States

I have put out several of my seedlings that have been growing the last couple of months and we are expecting a light frost tonight and I am curious if anyone knows whether I should have covered them or not? I still have several that have to be put in the ground and would like to get feed back so I will know what you all do....this is my first time planting seedlings and I sure hate to lose them after all this work:)

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Tough plant, if your seedlings are large enough to have a root crown I would not worry about them at all!! I had some a time ago that were 5 or 6 inches tall that took a -15 degree winter an laughed at the cold, of course later when the animals dug them up at a first year early and wasted on them it was a different story.

Wynnburg, United States

I was thinking the same thing:) They looked fine this morning so I am thankful...just so much work getting them going I surely didn't want the frost to take them out before I could see my babies next year...Thanks for the response!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

HOW ARE THEY NOW? mine are taking frosts and odd temps pretty well.

It is not so much how big/tall seedlings are. More important is that they are planted early enough tohave a chance to become established with new roots before winter.

Warners, NY

I've had trays of seedlings get lost in the mess in my garden and freeze solid and grow the next year---but don't do as I do, you will be sorry--probably------Weedy

Wynnburg, United States

Sorry, haven't been on here in a while but they did fine:) Took the frost well and then we starting having 60+ temps and some of them have had a growth spurt:) Thanks for all of the feedback!

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