gourd seeds & zucchini tromboncino seeds for postage wanted

Saginaw, MI

Hello, If anyone has any zucchini tromboncino seeds or
ornamental snake gourd seeds or
bottle gourd crane head seeds
that you would be willing to share for SASE , PLEASE let me know!! Our youngest son loves to have his own "special" garden with "different/strange" things in it , so though these would be fun things for him to try!! Anything you have would be greatly appreciated! THANK YOU

Also, does anyone have any ideas for "strange/different" things for him to try???? He has tried several things in the past and has had a lot of fun doing it! His favorite seems to be his popcorn--which ends up being our "night snack" after Thanksgiving dinner!!! Thank you to everyone who might have any suggestions for him!!

This message was edited Oct 28, 2012 8:50 AM

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