Can someone help ID this bulb for me please

Bendigo, Australia

This has come from no where. I have been living in my house here for 9 years now, in Central Victoria, this bulb shows up after all this time...have not seen it before, nor do I know what it is. It's so pretty, would like to know what it is and how to preserve the bulbs please. Cheers and thanks GG

Thumbnail by chrysies
barmera, Australia

It looks like an Agapanthus. Maybe you can google this and check. Good luck. Colleen

Bendigo, Australia

Hi Colleen...I have a lot of purple and some white Agapanthus in my garden, and it's not the same as them...they aren't even flowering at the moment either...I will keep looking though, thanks for replying.

Hi chrysies you may have a Scilla peruviana there. It has a few different names.


Bendigo, Australia

Hey there Chrissy...thank you so much for this...the photo in the link is almost an exact copy of my pic...I knew it wasn't an Agapanthus, but then I was starting to look at the Agapanthus in case it was a diffeent variety...but sure enough, it is Scilla peruviana...Now I just have to learn how to look after it and how to store the bulb...or do I leave it in the ground??? What puzzles me, is how come this is the first time I have seen it, been here for 9 years and this is a first? Anyway, thanks so much, I really appreciate it. Cheers

Merino, Australia

chrysies, it is definitely Scilla peruviana. I have them all over my garden.

They can be just left alone and ignored. Very pretty when in flower now but untidy once the foliage starts to die off. They will readily grow anywhere and soon make large clumps.
Be careful where you transplant any as even a little bulblet will eventually make a large patch.
They do well in pots but need to be thinned often as they multiply quickly.


Merino, Australia

ooops, forgot the pic of one of my plants.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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