wanted: hyacinth bean,corkscrew vine, moonflower vine SASE

Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone, Does anyone by any chance have any hyacinth bean vine seeds, corkscrew vine seeds or moonflower vine seeds they can share for SASE??? If so, PLEASE feel free to send me a d-mail. Would love to try these and am willing to send reasonable postage for them if you have any. THANK YOU

This message was edited Oct 21, 2012 1:07 PM

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

hi, I have purple hyacinth bean vine seeds, can mail some to you. They will also be included in the fall seed robin:)

Saginaw, MI

Thank you so much! That would be great! I think I have a looonnnngggg wait for the fall seed robin to reach me according to everybody's guesses--lol. Oh well, from the way it sounds it is going to be worth the wait!!! Thank you. Shirley

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

the bean vine is an annual; it likes sun and warm temps so you won't be able to plant them until spring. Think the seed robin will be worth the wait:)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I have moonflower vine seeds for the robin. I'll set some aside for you.


Saginaw, MI

THANKS Pam, that would be great!!! Have you ever tried mixing moonflower vine with morning glory vine???? Wondering how that would turn out!!!!


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Probably fine. The moonflower leaves are much bigger, but I'm sure the MGs would manage to get around them. It would be an interesting experiment to try!

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