
Decatur, GA

Getting some work done. Practicing some carving techniques I learned during classes with Bonnie Gibson at the Michigan Gourd Fest last month. It was a lot of fun. Lots more work to do before I can call it 'finished'.
I put a picture with and without the flash. It looks so different.

Thumbnail by helenchild Thumbnail by helenchild
Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Wow! Just wow!

Macon, GA(Zone 8a)

That's really beautiful!

Will you be entering it or other of your work at the Georgia Gourd Society Gourdfest competition later this month?

Decatur, GA

Thanks. I don't plan on entering anything. This really is my first real carving project. I have been fooling around with gourds for 15 years or so but never have had much time to devote to the hobby. But I am now recently retired.... yeah.
Do you do any carving/painting/gourd art? How about some pictures?
I do hope to get to the festival though and get some thick shelled gourds. The ones I have grown haven't been very thick.

Macon, GA(Zone 8a)

Helen –

On a whim, I went to the Gourdfest last Fall in Perry. I’d never seen gourd art before and was blown away! I bought some gourds, looked at some books, and have done absolutely nothing. I’m a little intimidated – silly, isn’t it? I’m bound and determined to start a project this weekend. It’ll be a while, I think, before I post any pictures!

You really should enter some of your work in the competition. Are you a member of the Georgia Gourd Society? They’ve really been encouraging folks to enter their work. Looking back at my photos from last year’s carving categories (for example), there were very few entries in the Novice class – I think your gourd would do very well!

BTW, don’t I recall reading that you were growing gourds this year? How did that work out?

Decatur, GA

I may enter next year when I have some more work done (I hope anyway). But thanks for the encouragement. I offer you some... get busy. It just takes practice.... don't get analysis paralysis... do you have a Dremel tool? Its fun.
I am going to try and get to the festival this year in Griffin. I want to see whats going on. It really is all new for me.
I didn't grow gourds this year. I have a bunch and plan to buy some good ones if available at the fest. But I may stick a few seeds in the ground next spring.
Take care and lets get busy carving!

Crossville, TN

You had a great teacher...and we are lucky to have her in Tucson!! Do you subscribe to Bonnies' Monthly newsletter? It's great and informative. Keep up the good work. Jo

Macon, GA(Zone 8a)

Helen -

Did you use a Dremel for the carving?

After reading Jo's post, I went looking for Bonnie Gibson's site - my, her work is impressive! It looks as though there is quite a strong community of gourd crafters in Arizona - you are fortunate, Jo!

Crossville, TN

We have a wonderful Gourd Fair the first week end in Feb each year. Bonnie is always there selling here wares. Jo

Decatur, GA

I have a Dremel but like my Proxxon better.
I would love to get to AZ for the Gourd Fair but it would be a long trip.

Crossville, TN

You are welcome to stay in my home. I am expecting Grannylois on the 24th. I can't wait to see her again. Jo

Decatur, GA

Thanks Jo, that is very generous.

Decatur, GA

An updated picture. I painted this several time but wasn't happy with the results so I sanded the paint off and reapplied it. I am happy enough with these results and now consider it finished!!!

Thumbnail by helenchild
Crossville, TN

Well I just think it's lovely. I really like Dogwoods anyhow. Jo

Decatur, GA

Thanks Jo. I love Dogwoods too.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

A little late, but that is beautiful!

Decatur, GA

Thanks Syrumani.

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