Fruit Quiz

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I thought since I was going out of town tomorrow, I would post the quiz for next week now. I will post the "key" when I get back on Tuesday. This week it's fruit science.(your favorite fruit tells your personality) You have 8 groups to choose from, if your favorite isn't listed, pick one close to the kind it is. Please name your favorite. Surely everybody has at least one fruit they like to eat (no, chocolate isn't a fruit, or is it? It comes from the cocoa bean..a nut?)
CITRUS orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, kumquat
MELON watermelon, galia, honeydew, cantaloupe, cucumber
SPICEY peppers (any kind)
BERRY blackberry, blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, goosberry, cranberry, blackcurrant, tomato, grape
ORCHARD FRUIT apple, pear
SQUASH pumpkin, gourd
NUT Brazil, walnut, coconut, pecan, cashew, hazel, peanut
TROPICAL/EXOTIC papaya, starfruit, banana, guava, kiwi, pineapple, pomegranate, custard apple, avacado, passion fruit.

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