Looking For Tall Bearded Iris Sweet Musette

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I would love to trade for a piece of TB Iris Sweet Musette. I have named irises, some rebloomers, that I would trade two for your one piece of Sweet Musette. Anyone have an extra piece that they could trade? I can send a list of available plants. Thanks,

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Linda, a few people have it listed in the DG plantfiles for trade:


Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Kay,
I did look there. Unfortunately, I have checked their Wanted Lists and at this time, I don't have anything growing here that they are looking for- I grow many more flowers than I have listed on my Have List here at Daves. I hate to bother someone if I don't have the specific plant that they are looking for and that's why I haven't contacted them. I've also looked at all the people who have posted a picture of Sweet Musette on Dave's and many of them don't even have Trading Pages, and of those who do, they don't have Sweet Musette listed to trade and again, I don't have plants they are looking for anyway.

So I decided to just post and hope to find someone who had extra rhizomes and wanted to trade. I had had a trade for SM set up with someone on Gardenweb and I sent out Siberian Iris seeds, several irises and even some aluminum plant tags to them. I was having surgery and this person said that they had had their mulching done by someone and he had removed all of their tags. So we set it up that they would send the irises I wanted, including Sweet Musette, after bloom time so that they could re-identify their irises and replace the tags. I would also have time to recover from the surgery. Well, I contacted this person over and over again since then, and they do not reply to my messages. My emails don't come back as "not able to deliver your message...", I just don't get a reply. And it looks like they stopped trading around that time too, since I can't find any feedback or new messages on Gardenweb from them or about them.

So, I keep trying to find another trade here and at Gardenweb. I'd order it, but it's really the only one that I really still want, and I hate to pay 8 or 9 dollars shipping for one iris!

Thanks for your suggestion, though.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

The 'other place' has a Rate and Review traders forum - post your trading issue there, to warn others to be careful when trading with this person. I hope someone posts an offer for the Iris you want.

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