Looking for a specific plant/seeds

Saginaw, MI

Hello everyone, If anyone has any plants/seeds for a "easter egg plant" that you are willing to share for reasonable postage PLEASE let me know. Would love to have some for my youngest son & my grandchildren to grow! THANK YOU

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

You are looking for a white eggplant variety called 'Casper'

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I just harvested seeds off of my plant about one minute ago. Send me a self-addressed envelope with one stamp, AND a note telling me what you want - I will send them off to you as soon as I get the SASE.

Saginaw, MI

Thank you so much. Will need your address . Shirley

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

It's in the DG address book - accessible if you are a subscribing member.

Saginaw, MI

Hello again, I am a subscribing member - just new one- was a member a few years ago--expired and just renewed again in sept. & still learning to navigate! Problem is I did not know there was a DG address book and do not know how to get to it! Am not good on learning new computer things(thank goodness my kids are here to help!). Anyway how do I access that?? Thank you.

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Go to the Home Tab, select Extras, and select Address Exchange. I just learned yesterday :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I keep a shortcut handy since I can never remember "Home Tab - - - Extras - - - - Address Exchange


Similarly, "PlantFiles - - - Advanced Search" is:


Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

This maybe too late but there is an Eggplant variety specifically called Easter Egg Plant. It's in Plant Files. I believe it is a hybrid so it won't come true from seed collected at home. I have grown it from purchased seed and was very happy with the results. Like all Eggplant, it takes it's time germinating and needs warm, damp conditions, but once it sprouts it's good to go.

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