Confused Camellias

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I can't find any more appropriate forum for this, but if there is one, please let me know.
I bought my home 6 years ago. At that time, there were two pretty little camellias, on an either side of the walkway. They are now about 10 feettall from the original 4'. The first time they bloomed (white with a pink tinge), it was in the fall, as also happened the next two years. Then it began to bloom in the spring. I didn't think a lot about it at the time, but it may be the spring bloom happened after a major early freeze took out the fall buds. It bloomed again the next spring, and this past spring. All well and good, they seemed to do better in the spring.
But, they're blooming now, as is the one (red) that consistently blooms in the fall. I doubt there's anything to be done about this, but thought I'd see if there is a way to encourage the spring blooming in the future.
Thanks for any thoughts.
p.s. There's even a bloom on one of my AzaleasThat's never happened before..

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

This is just a guess but the plants may be a hybrid of Camellia sasanqua and C. japonica. The first blooms in the fall, the second in the late winter/spring. I think you have confused Camellias. Here's a little blip about the different bloom times for the 2 species:

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Well. Now I'm confused, too *G*. Thanks, Growin, I looked into the hybrids, and that seems likely. But then, one site says sasanquas are fall blooming, and the next says early spring. AArrrghh.

I think I shall simply enjoy them _whenever_ they choose to bloom....

And I think I'll see f I can grow anything from the seed capsules. Who knows what THEY might grow up to be :)

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