Need help with tree stump

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a tulip tree stump that I would like to use as a planter, but I need help in hollowing out the inside. The tree was cut down 2 years ago, and I made the mistake of not hollowing it out while it was freshly cut. Now it's as hard as a rock, and although I drilled holes to pour in stump remover, the holes are only about 1" deep. That's as far as the drill bit would go...with much effort...and not much reward. Some of the roots are above ground level, and the tree is sending up small shoots which I've discouraged with Round-Up. The stump is about 30" in diameter and stands about 3 feet tall. Can anyone suggest what products or methods I should use to hollow out the stump?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Chain saw?

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

I don't want to completely remove the tree stump. I just want to hollow out the top 10" or so to create a planter.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How about this idea that wouldn't require hollowing out the stump?

Thumbnail by pirl
Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

Which magazine shows this idea? It looks a lot easier than hollowing out the stump!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

No idea as to the name of the magazine. When I had a stump I wanted to use as a planter DG's fly_girl sent me the photo, which I copied. That was back in 2007. Seems basic enough to put the wire around the stump, pack the sides with moss and plant. The holes you've already made should act as some drainage but I don't know if you'd need more of them. Water would still run out the sides so it should work. Let us know if you go ahead with the idea.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yeah I mean hollow it out with the chain saw, ever see wood carvers?

found this info
Most hardwood stumps will dry and harden quite a bit before they finally rot enough for complete removal, so use that to advantage. Use a broad auger bit to drill several holes deep into the stump -- keeping the holes as close together as possible, and allowing a 1-inch wide band of undrilled wood all around the perimeter as a lip. Use a chisel and hammer to remove the rest until you have a large, pot-like cavity

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks for both pieces of info. A friend came over with a powerful drill and had no success either. So I think I'll try the magazine method.

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