swapping Angel Trumpet cuttings

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I have a few angel trumpets both at home and at the museum. However, I don't have many bright yellows or orange/coral.
I'd like to line up some trades now, if possible. I ship only large cuttings from below the Y unless folks request those from above the Y.
I have Maya, Charles Grimaldi, Santa Rosa, Salmon Perfektion, Cupid's Blush and Super Nova.
I want Antique Lace, Mountain Magic, Kurpack Bad Salzschlirf, Tropical Sunset, Yellow Whiskers, Grand Marnier, Estella, Luminosa, and Melancholy Baby.
Of course, I realize I'm not going to get all these but if you have one or two you want to swap, please let me know.........Betty

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