My new additions

Bridgewater, ME

Went to the swap today, have new bought anything at the swaps just allways took something of mine to sell,but could not resist this pair.They are batam cochins their names are Mr and Mrs. They are so cute.Oh and I sold 2 splash orp roosters

Thumbnail by green04735
Brownstown, IN

Congratulations! they are gorgeous.
I have a little bantum cochin that looks just like your hen, her name is Golden Girl.


Bridgewater, ME

They got to go outside for a little while today,they loved it.And I got my first egg.Do they go broody as often as the silkies do?

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Those are beautiful! I love that color.

Richmond, TX

So cute! How big an egg does she lay?

Bridgewater, ME

Same size as my silkies,small

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I have 4 banty cochin hens, and one little roo. This summer, 3 of the hens went broody at once, in the same nest "bucket". I think it would have been all four if there had been room. None of the eggs hatched, but it wasn;t for lack of diligence :)

Richmond, TX

Perhaps the group effort overheated the eggs?

Bridgewater, ME

They were outside all day yesterday in there own run and they loved it.She layed her egg in the grass,she must lay every other day.I did contact the person I got them from and asked if I could buy another hen but he only had two and did not want to part with them.Its to late in the season now to hatch,getting cold at night now 43 this morning.Is there anyone on here that would want to trade some orpington or silkie eggs in the spring for batam cochin eggs?Will post more pics of them outside today.Had to put them back in last night was afraid they would not go in the dog house d get to cold.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

porkpal wrote "Perhaps the group effort overheated the eggs?'"

Hmmm. Never occurred to me. I was blaming the poor little Roo, but since they had no luck with the others I snuck in, I bet you're right on the money. I didn;t really NEED any more, but the chicks are so darn cute....

Bridgewater, ME

Out in the run,also have three new silkie babies

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

I love the expression on that little speckled face!

(Zone 6b)

She's quite lovely. Is that a paint silkie?

Bridgewater, ME

Its a partridge

(Zone 6b)

She doesn't look like my partridges. Will be interesting to see how she turns out. Please post pictures as she/he grows.

Bridgewater, ME

I have another batam cochin girl to go with Mr and Mrs,her name is concubine.Also have three broodie silkies,I have some buff silkie eggs that my dh will pick up Monday or Tuesday and will put some cochin eggs under them to.If I can`t break them I might just as well have chicks.I had three togather that used the box this summer and had a 100% hatch.

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

LFJ here is a new picture of the one thought was a paint.Not sure if its the first or second one.

Thumbnail by green04735
(Zone 6b)

Aww, they are so cute. Look at that one watching you.

Thank you.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

a lady gave me cochins last week. 3 roo's and 3 hens. i think they are bantam

Richmond, TX

How neat! Will we get photos? - please?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

yep, asap. i promise

Shawnee, OK

What is that sensor or alarm on the back wall of the coup?

Bridgewater, ME

Thats a thermomator,it tells me in the house how cold it is in the coop

Richmond, TX

Pretty nifty!

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