My new outdoor garden

Bridgewater, ME

I have been busy working outside,we took down our old pool and deck and I wanted to do something with the space and this is what I did.My friend had an old home comfort wood cook stove that got damaged in removing it off the trailer so she asked if I wanted it to put in my garden and I said yes.The pool was a 18 ft round above ground so I already had the circle,Put gravel in there and planted hasta around the back which I already had and I also had the exsisting flower bed that was around the pool and deck.I also had the pond that was is the ground just dug that up and put in the pool garden(new name for the garden)Had all the chairs and swing.The only thing I had to buy was the fire pit and that was on sale.My friend helped put it togather as she has an eye for that stuff.Oh forgot the old wagon is my coffee table.The white thing with the pland on it is an old tire planter turned upside down.Had fun doing this

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

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Bridgewater, ME


Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

My coffee table

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Another view

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Fire pit

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Wood stove with new chimmney

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

The whole stove

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

How clever and creative! I wish I had your vision for design...

Bridgewater, ME

Most of it was my friend,she has that gift of seeing things in her mind,believe me I don`t

(Zone 6b)

That's lovely Green. You have such a beautiful place. I esp love the trees in the background.

No trees here in Texas, except the ones we plant.

I just have one question. Where are the chickens? I'm sure they want to sit in those chairs.

Bridgewater, ME

The chickens don`t venture down that far,and only the silkies are allowed out of the pen,the big ones would tear my gardens all to pieces.I love my home,the Lord has been very good to me and my dh.

(Zone 6b)

Good point Green. Between the drought last year and the chickens, most of my backyard is void of grass. It has to be the chickens, because the part that was fenced off has lots of bermuda. Where they were allowed is completely bare. I mean dry dirt. No joke.

The weather is gorgeous right now. Hope everyone is enjoying it.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have never seen a wood stove like that one. I LOVE it. Will you be using it?

Bridgewater, ME

My grandmother had one like that.she did all her cooking on it.I did have a fire in it and as soon as I get some good wood I want to try a pan of hamemade biscut in it.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

That is so cute! Love the wagon-as-coffee table. I have one of those in the shed. Hmmmm..........

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