
Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Wie gehts!
Howdy, y'all!


Danke für den Gruß. Alles geht gut hier und ich hoffe, daß es gut zu Ihnen paßt.

Ich habe hohe Hoffnungen, daß dieses internationale handelnde Forum rüber gut zu unseren Freunden über der Welt paßt! Glückliches Im Garten arbeiten!

Ihre Deutcher Sohn,


Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Rise Ann - can you translate what my son is trying to tell me? The reason I'm asking is that I noticed you had an umlaut (spelling?) over one of the letters in your name ...

Yeah, I noticed that, too. It's spelled Risë Ann (the e has the umlaut).

Definitely not german (they only umlaut u, o, and a). Somewhere in the nordic countries?


Supposedly Scandanavian...Mom got my name from the opera singer Risë Stevens. Not that she likes opera, she just liked the name :) It's pronounced Reesa. My last name (thanks to my husband) may be somewhat offensive to our German friends. Hopefully they have a great sense of humor. I did manage to interpret the above message:


Just let me know anytime you need more help ;o

Rise Ann - I (of course) recognized your last name from my studies of the German language. I wasn't offended, but I can see how a German-born person may be! I had wondered how you came about to have that name, especially since your first name suggested that you originated from around that area.

Mystery is cleared up!!


Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Thank you for your translation. I can't tell you how helpful it was! 8-)


Thank you for the greeting. All's good here, and I hope that it's going well for you.

I have high hopes that this international forum will be enjoyed by out friends around the world! Happy Gardening!

Your German Son,

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

I understand, Jeremy.



Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Ich wusste garnicht das Dein Deutsch so gut war. Ist ja fast besser wie mein Deutsch :o)

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

WoW Ihr sprecht ja alle Deutsch!! Wenn Ich mal einen Schreibfehler mache in meinen messages, dann schreibe ich einfach das Deutsche wort rein ;)

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Hallo Zameluzza
Bist du auch Deutsch? Das ist ja zu toll das wir leute hier haben wo Deutsch schreiben koennen. Ich bin origanalweise von Heidelberg her. Schreib mir mal, ich bin in der addressen liste als Flowox :o)

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

Hallo Flowox,

Ich bin Italienerin, in der Schweiz aufgewachsen und seit 14 jahren in Canada.

Ich werde dir mal schreiben :)

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

ich spreche nicht gute deutsch.):

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Jianhua......that wasn't bad at all :o)

Alfred, ON(Zone 4b)

hello Jianhua,

It looks good to me :)

hello from Canada

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Danken Sie!
When studying English at university,i only picked up some German.With time passing by,i have almost forgotten them all.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

it's Danke Ihnen (formal) or Danke Dir (informal)

at least you remember some of it, very impressive......so how many languages do you know then? I just know english and german. English being my second language

Shangshui, Henan, China(Zone 7b)

Danke Ihnen,Lehrer! ):
Chinese is my mother tongue,and English is my first foreign language,and Japanese is my second foreign language.As for German,to tell you frankly,i know little about it.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi Zameluzza,Which part of Switzerland did you grow up in? I have lived in Biel these last 11 years.It is great to see lots of German speaking and writing people on this forum,but it is good to write only in English once in a while! :)

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Help ??? I can't read this... he he he LOL

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Uff, du alla talar tyska... Jag kan inte prata den bra, bara nån...

Ich kann nicht sprechen Deutsches gut - Können irgendwelche von Ihnen sprechen Schwedisch oder Finnisch?

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

We have to choose now if we wan't to study German or French on 8th grade. I think I will take them both. Then I could speak 4 languages, heeh :)

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