CLOSED: Lazlo's Fall 2012 - Full Sun - Mystery Mix » now available

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


Lazlo's Fall 2012 - Full Sun - Mystery Mix

The seeds in this full sun mixture should be sown at least 4 weeks before the first frost in your area -or- by November 1st if you live where hard freezes are rare. The way I sow them is to rake the area to be sown in several directions, wet the area with a sprinkle spray, then scatter-sow the seeds over the area, and then I scatter a light layer of composted material over the area, and then wet that down. Thereafter, I keep the area moist (but not soaked), wetting the area once daily until I see some sprouting. At that point, I water as I usually do in Autumn and Winter.

Before sowing, however, I recommend mixing the seeds with sand or vermiculite in order to make a more even scattering. Empty the entire contents of the seed packet - - in addition to the ground cinnamon I have added to inhibit fungi and damp-off problems there are seeds included in the Mystery Mix that are so small that it is very difficult to separate them out from the cinnamon or other seeds.

Mystery Mix seeds include annuals, biennials and perennials . . . Flowers and Flowering Shrubs . . . You probably will not receive seeds for all the species or cultivars in your packet of Mystery Mix seeds, but you will receive a very large sampling of the list that follows below.

What I Need From You:

A self-addressed envelope - long business size preferred, but bubble envelope is not necessary (I wrap all seeds). On the back of that envelope, please make a note:
"Mystery Mix" so I will know which seeds you want - - sometimes I have multiple offers running concurrently.

Enclose LOOSE postage stamps to total 70˘ worth . . . Many folks just send two (2) "forever" stamps - - That's fine, too. Any overage in stamps I use when shipping boxes of seeds from my garden and scavenging trips to VA occupational therapy programmes and school gardening / horticultural clubs each year.

Please DO NOT send currency in the mail . . . Some folks who have sent money this year had it stolen someplace along the USPS journey. I appreciate the sentiment and will gladly apply any money sent via my PayPal acct. to giving seeds to educational programmes.   If you do, Thank You in advance.

My postal address at this location »

If you don't have rights to see that URL, then send me DMail requesting my postal address »

What's in this Mystery Mix?

Orange California Poppy, Blue Flax, Maximillian sunflower, Mexican sunflower 'Torch', Cranberry double zinnia, Lilliput zinnia, Inca zinnia, Phacelia, mixed Echinacea, mixed Rudbeckia, Showy Primrose, Evening Primrose, Butterfly Pincushion, Red Drummond Phlox, Siberian wallflower, Tassel flower, Tidy Tips, Heliopsis, Milkmaid nasturtium, Nectar Blue hyssops, mixed Unwin's dwarf dahlia, mixed hollyhocks, Yellow Hawkweed, Strawberry Fields gomphrena, Goldenrod, Tower of Jewels (Echium mix), Chianti sunflower, Safflower, Prunella, mixed Cosmos, Ox-Eye daisy, Blue-eyed daisy, African daisy (Arctotis), Lucifer crocosmia, Prairie coneflower, Convolvulus, mixed Columbine, Butterfly Weed (A. incarnata, A. speciosia, and A. tuberosa), Italian bugloss, Fuchsia and Yellow celosia, Giant Pink zinnia, Green Envy zinnia, Red Yarrow, Lupines (including TX bluebonnet), Hummingbird Sage, Rocket Larkspur, Godetia, mixed Cleome (pink, purple, pink & white, pink & purple, Rose Queen, Cherry Queen, white, wild), mixed Monarda, Tubular Bells penstemon, mixed Nicotiana, mixed Red Hot Poker, Standing Cypress, mixed Foxglove, Heuchera, Borage, Lemon Queen sunflower, Cilantro, Dill, mixed Coreopsis, Purple Prairie Clover, Sweet Basil, Globe Gilia, Catnip, Purple Tidal Wave petunia, Chabaud Giant mixed carnation, Mexican Dayflower, Verbena, Mixed Speedwell, Agastache rupestris, Firecracker penstemon, Asclepias curassavica (scarlet), Chatanooga Gold hibiscus, Bloody
Dock, Agastache rugosa, mixed Campion, Hoary Mountain mint, Blue Lisianthus, Shasta daisy, Aristea, Purple Candy Lily, mixed Gayfeather, mixed Gazania, South African foxglove, Ragged Robin lychnis, lavender cosmos, Euphorbia cyanthophora (Summer Pointsettia -aka- Mexican Fire Plant), tall bachelor buttons, mixed Allium, Eyeball Plant (aka Toothache Plant), Dierama igneum, mixed Dierama, Nettle-leaved Mullein, Pyrethrum daisy (Chrysantehmum cinerariifolium), Fuchsia hollyhock, Butterfly Blue delphinium grandiflorum, Lion's Tail, Clarkia, Monarda fistulosa, Shooting Star columbine, Mexican lupine, Purple coneflower, Calendula, Parsley, Crimson Clover, Sweet Sultan, Sweet William, Helenium, Bishop's Flower, Bergamot, Snapdragon, Gaillardia pulchella, Fiesta blend nasturtium, Mission Bells California poppy, mixed poppies (Lauren's Grape, Drama Queen, Double Pink, Pink Bicolour, Red Peony, Patty's Plum, lavender), red and yellow four-o'clocks, mixed Coneflower (Magnus, yellow, yellow & orange, Green Jewel, Ozark), mixed Daylily (Salmon-Chanted Evening, Aaron's Dinnerplate), mixed Asters (Grego, White Stokesia 'Wind', Wonder of Staffa, Early Charm, Moonshine), Golden Jubilee agastache, Yellow Marguerite, Las Vegas Purple gomphrena, Summer Pastels yarrow, Alyssium (pastel mix), Bunny Tails, Leopard Lily (Belamcanda flabellata), Freckle-Face Blackberry Lily (B. chinensis 'Freckle Face'), Rosa glauca, Lamb's Ears, Orange Prince daisy, Zulu Prince daisy, Lemon Mint (Monarda citriodora), Hungarian Blue breadseed poppy, hardy Hibiscus (dark pink Southern Belle, Red Luna, Pink Luna Swirl, Double Purple Cluster), White trumpet lily, Philippine lily, Regal lily, Formosa lily, Blue Angel forget-me-not, Stachys byzantina, False Blue indigo, Statice sinuata, Virginia stock, Nigella (chocolate sundae, Miss Jekyll), Spanish love-in-a-mist, Pavonia mix, Lemon marigold, blue scabiosa, Cherry Brandy rudbeckia, globe candytuft, Lady in Red salvia, Lipstick salvia, Pheasant's Eye . . . There may be others that I just did not remember to write down.

Whew! I'm bushed!

A T B T Y !           ~           ŁazŁo    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo
Pretoria, South Africa

You have Dmail

Homestead, FL(Zone 10a)

Great mix. I'm in and mailing my envelope today. Thanks for sharing your seeds.

Webster, FL

Count me in! I have always enjoyed your mysteries. Thanks.

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I think that I have already received this mix in a trade.
LazLo is a very generous trader & I will be watching for other great seed trades!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

082014 : what should I call you? Zero? that doesn't sound too nice. how about 24 - - the sum of your digits? LOL!

Paula : you're correct - - a packet was sent with the first trade we made.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Chiqui : Your seeds are in the wind. ETA Monday.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

Would love to get a mystery mix so will be sending you the envelope.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Perko : Fire away!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Jamestown, OH

Wow! I would love your Mystery Mix too. Is there anything you are looking for in particular that I could send?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

midwestfarmwife : i'll send DMail to you about a trade . . . lots of Mystery Mix remaining.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm going to close this thread on Weds., Sept. 12th - finally running low on this batch!

Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo
Prosper, TX(Zone 8a)

My envelope goes out to you tomorrow!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)



                                                      ALL-EE !    ALL-EE !    OUTS   IN   FREE !  !  !



Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by LazLo

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