Argentinian pink trumpet vine...Podranea ricasoliana

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

might be the strongest grower of any vine I've seen.. from a small plant in the spring... it's got some shoots that are 25 ft long and it has dozens of these shoots... and it's starting to flower... 1 flower and a week later another .. now another flower .. with hundreds of buds... in just this first year for it... unfortunately for me it's listed as a zone 8 plant... and here I am in 7
Thanks X for the caracalla low down... here's a picture of mine starting .. and one from google images..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine didn't make it in zone 8.. Should have brought it in,. They are beautiful.


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Gordon, I know this vine all too well - I cut a wagon-load from my vine yesterday and pulled half that many vines that rooted into the soil - mine isn't in bloom yet, but it is a rampant little fella!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

yes Kay,,, sorry.. but that's too funny... I feel that way myself... it's overgrown a bunch of things here plants and garden art ...already... I'd cut minee back but everywhere I think I might like to it's got buds galore... so I'll wait and get my chance to chop it in the late fall... you're so right ... it is a rampant grower..
here's a link to a managed pile of it

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Mine is the Podranea ricasoliana vine - covers a 10x10' dog kennel and all surrounding privacy fence. It tries to take over the bog, but I won't let it go that far. It is beautiful in bloom, though! I don't have the vine you have in the link you provided.

Mulberry, FL

St Johns Creeper thats mine yours has the same looking leaves pretty flowers but i think i am going to part with mine to much maint. I have the garlic vine flowers close to it but easy to manage. On a roof top would be the best place to grow it can only go so far every place it touches the ground its off and running again I 'm not chasing it lol

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

yes.. the link was more for type.. this is mine comming onto it's own... more flowers opening... i'lll root some... running the shoots into a prepaired pot.. and buried in the potting mix there... perhaps scrape a bit of the outer stem off that's underground... tha should be all the help it needs... if the vine is that rampant a grower... the roots must be keeping up with it in the same vigor.. it should root by sometime this afternoon...

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL, Gordon - I think you are correct about the rapid rooting of this vine!!!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)


I am always looking for vines that like to grow rampant and should not be planted next to where children wait for the school bus for fear the vine will catch them. If any of you have cuttings (rooted or not), I will gladly pay for postage to get some. Please contact me. It should grow wild here in zone 10. Do caterpillars bother it much?


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Sylvain, I will be happy to send you rooted plants for postage, but keep your beloved children and pets clear of it, or you won't find them in a few days. I can send you a couple of plants for a $5.80 priority stamp or if you want more, dmail me and we will find out how much it would cost to send what you THINK you want!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

more every day.. it seems so sudden..once they start going.

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Gordon, I got my first two blooms today - many more will follow. Soon, it will be a sea of pretty pink!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

yes.. a pink sea.. I've football sized bunches of flowers now..
at night you can see the freedom lights... shinning up from the foot print of where we saw the World Trade Towers.. Fall... the new Freedom Tower stands being built near by.. shimmering in it's blue lights

Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Mulberry, FL

That is neat with the blue lights heres mine unruley snake lol

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)'s getting to be the prettiest unruley snake here..and more blooms comming..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Mc Call Creek, MS

Mine grew on the fence for 5 or 6 years and bloomed oh so beautifully. Then one year the deer decided it was good to eat. I stuck a small piece in a tub near the house to keep the deer out of it. Narry a bloom! 'Guess I might put one back in the ground next spring and hope the deer go elsewhere.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I wonder if cayenne pepper sprinkled upon the vines would deter the deer.


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