SEPTEMBER, 2012-time for cooler weathermaybe!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Here is our September chat thread.
We came from here:

Join us with your latest news, chat and photos.

I'll start us off with a photo from last September:
A bee on Autumn Joy or Autumn Fire sedum--not sure which it is, but thinking this one is Autumn Fire. Kathy Ann originally gave this plant to me a few years ago. I carried it with me to Harrison from Cabot, but alas, I did not bring any with me from Harrison to Isabella. *sniff* I really love the sedums--they require so little care and perform so beautifully. The bees love the flowers!

Thumbnail by marsue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sounds like you need to make another trip to Harrison and dig more plants or get cuttings!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Unfortunately, Charlotte, the house has been sold so I can't go back and get any more of my plants. :o( (my daughter and her husband have moved to Branson). Al and I did manage to get 14 plants dug up and transplanted here before they sold it, though. Most of them were shade plants I bought last fall when we went to Dabneys and the other nursery last October when we also attended the RU at Jim's place. I did manage to bring Gunny's rose with me, thank goodness! That old rose seems to thrive no matter how many times I transplant her! Thanks to Sandra for giving her to me several years ago!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

About the dead tree leaning over the in Alabama, if there is a situation like that, dead or not, and you have complained about the tree to the owner of the tree and then it does do damage to your house, they are liable for damages to your house. If you have not complained (I believe you need dated, written documentation of your complaint), then your homeowners insurance has to pay. Insurance laws may vary but I am told this is how it works here.

Charlotte, glad you didn't have to be without power for too long.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone, hope the start of the month finds you all safe from the tropical storm. It blew lots of lil limbs down all over the yard and broke my angel trumpet Isabella in half. I dug up the broken piece and had my son replant it for me, maybe it will survive.. We did get 2 inches of rain from it..Thank godness the utility company had came and trimmed limbs over the lines a few months ago and we didnt lose electricity..

I went back to see the surgeon(a different one)Thursday about my leg because it has swelled back up and became extremely painful again. He went in and opened it back up cleaned it out and left a drain in it this time. Its amazing how much fluid is draining out of it each day(thank goodness it has a place to go now except back under skin) It is feeling a lil better todayso hope it will start to heal up now..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000 Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000 Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Ripley, MS

Goodness Trish, you have had problems with that, Cayla burned a spot on her lower leg on--if you can believe this one--her make up mirror. She was sitting in the floor with Eli putting her make up on before work

Marilyn, I didn't know MeChelle moved, she just didn't want to stay there without you !

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Trish you need to stay off that leg and take care of it!!!

Gosh Marilyn I missed that too!!! Guess with all the talk of you and Al getting married and you moving, I missed that Michelle had sold her house and was moving too!!!

Elaine they knew insurance would or the homeowner would be liable for the leaning tree but they were more concerned about keeping it from falling as it was directly in line with her house and was a big enough tree that it would cause serious damage to her house and well as possibly herself.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Had to share this video with Yall!!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Awesome story, Jeri! Do you know them?

Marilyn, I too missed the part about your daughter selling her house and moving to Branson! I guess y'all are closer now and that is great!

Trish, hope your leg is healing better now.

We've had very little rain from Isaac. They say we should be getting a little rain today but I'll believe it when I see it. So far just a sprinkle here and there and cloudy days.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Elaine, that is my cousin and his son. His mom bought my grandmother's house next door to me and remodeled it and they have the cabinet shop on the other side of my sister and his brother lives on the property also. Aren't they wonderful!!! Of course, I knew that but now everyone knows how brave and kind they are. I guess Issac dumped all of his rain on us and we are still getting rain. I will gladly share!!! I had my vents on the roof and around the fireplace sealed yesterday so hopefully the rain will stay out of my house.

Marilyn I missed it too about Michelle moving to Branson. Did they get a church up there?

Trish I hope you are doing better. You might want to take it easy for a spell and get well. Then tackle all those projects!!! You are in my prayers!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Your cousins are very good and brave people!!! Like you said you knew it but it's always nice to see them get the recognition they deserve!!! But then I have a feeling it runs in your family!

We got 2.5 inches of rain in a 24 hour period of time from Isaac. Got a little more yesterday but not very much. That 2.5 inches has really made a difference!!! Everything started getting so much greener within just a few hours! Amazing!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Great story about your cousins, Jeri! Thanks for sharing that. My daughter and her husband have been going to Faith Life Church in Branson for about 9 years, which is one of the reasons they decided to move up there. They moved the last part of July. I guess in the busy-ness of getting married and moving all my stuff from Harrison, I neglected to say anything about their move until now.

Elaine, Branson is about an hour and 15 minute drive from here. Harrison was a 2 hour drive.

Trish, I sure hope your leg gets much better soon now that you have that drainage tube in. As you said, the drainage has somewhere to go besides under the skin.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Well, we're finally getting some rain, and I DO mean rain. We had tornado watches late yesterday until around 10 last night. We came home from the lake around 5 and got home before the rain hit us. I went out to the garden and picked a bunch of tomatoes and then started hearing thunder. I didn't even finish picking the cherry tomatoes and ran back inside just before the rains came. It poured and must have rained most of the night. Started up again this morning just after I went out to get the paper around 6:45. Boy we needed it and I'm glad we didn't plan to do anything today. It feels good. But Jeri, I know y'all wish the waters would recede. I know you're proud of your cousins! I'm with Charlotte, it runs in your family I'm sure.

Marilyn, glad you're family is a bit closer! It sure makes a difference.

I was planning to dig a few things for the plant swap today, but it will be too muddy. At least if we don't get more rain, it will be nice and cooler soon and I'll be able to get out and dig the things I've planned to dig. My trip got cancelled for next week, so I'll be around next weekend and won't be so behind. Yay!!

Ripley, MS

We had bad storms last night, but we didn't get enough rain to make mud anywhere ! There are trees down everywhere in Tippah county, we lost power for a couple of hours and Eli went naked !!! Well he had his diaper, it was so hot it was miserable, Cayla and I fanned him a lot while it was out, it came back on about 11 and it was still hot at midnight when I went to bed, the storm did not cool us off any, which seemed so strange

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I just want to know one thing!! where's the cooler weather that September is hoping to bring? IT"S NOT HERE!! lol

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Yall!! We are so proud of them!!! I haven't seen Jesse in a few years and was totally shocked to see how much he looks like his dad did!!! I would have been able to have picked him out of any crowd. LOL!!!

It's sad to live next door to people and be so long before you get to visit. We pass in the pasture or when there is a family death or some thing.

I'm glad Yall are getting some rain without all the damage the storm did us. I just saw on the news it's flooding Washington D.C.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello all - trying to catch up with everyone! August was a blur at our house with one thing after another....... so hopefully September will be a little calmer! It is definitely not any cooler yet for sure!! The past 4 or 5 days have been miserable! We got 3.5 inches of rain with the first round from Issac. Then at our house we probably got at least another inch to 1.5 inches that some of the area didn't a total downpour on Friday evening with heavy wind and lightening..... but thankfully it didn't last long. We had planned to go to the ballgame Friday night in Bearden for Harmony Grove's big rivalry game, and the first game of the season, but after the rain we decided to stay home and listen on the radio. I knew their field gets really muddy and I was afraid of Leigh falling or slipping ..... with that shoulder in a sling, the last thing we need is for him to land on it!! So, we stayed home.

I am waiting on a phone call from the doctor's office this morning..... looks like Kyle is going to have to have gall bladder surgery. He had a HIDA scan early Tuesday morning, but the dr was out that day so I couldn't get any results. They were supposed to call me yesterday morning with them, but by lunch I hadn't heard a word, so I called the clinic again. They FINALLY left me a voice mail at 6:10 last night saying that they would call back this morning to give me the test results and set up an appt with Dr Perkins. Dr Perkins is the surgeon, so therefore I assume that means they think he needs to have it out. He is hoping to wait several weeks because he is playing intermural football at school and he loves it so much. He was recruited to be on a really good team this year, and there is a chance they will get to go to some intermural state championship thing and he really wants to be able to participate. I am pretty sure they won't let him play after surgery for several weeks...... so, we will see how it goes, and if we can keep the symptoms at bay long enough for him to finish the season!

On a positive note, I have some praises to sing ....Alex had his first test Tuesday and made B's on both sections! I never thought I would be SOOO excited over Bs! ^_^ But, we were both so excited that he was starting out deep in the hole for the year! I will be the first to admit I did some SERIOUS praying during that test! I am so thankful that God was faithful and helped him thru! I think if he can get a little more confidence in his ability, then he won't stress out so much, and when he doesn't stress he performs MUCH better! I know it is going to be a long, rough year, but I am thankful he was able to start out on a much better note than last year!! It always help to get off to a good start..........

This past weekend I thought I would get some things done in my bed, but I spent several hours on two different days getting the yard mowed again......and I was so hot after that I gave up on working in the beds! It was really a sorcher! It had only been a week and a half since it had been mown, but you could have bailed hay in my yard! That rain sure made that grass jump!! (in the beds too unfortunately....) Thought I might could accomplish something in the evenings, but I just don't do well in this 100 degree stuff...especially with this high humidity!!

Jeri, loved the video of your cousins! They did an awesome thing, and it was so wonderful for them to be recognized. Are those houses in the video close to you?? I surely hope you didn't get THAT much water!!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

By the way, I read this article this morning on 8 weeds you can eat..................... thought ya'll might find it interesting.,0&cm_mmc=ETNTNL-_-1028672-_-09062012-_-WeedsToEat-body

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Genna, glad things are settling down for y'all. Maybe getting the kids all settled in school will help, even if one does have to have surgery! I think the gall bladder surgery is much less invasive these days than it used to be. I've known a couple of people lately who have had it and they feel so very much better after it's out that they wished they had it out sooner! Good luck to Kyle with that. I think on the weeds, I'd just better throw them out, lol. Don't think I'd want to eat them! So glad Alex has started off well too and know you're proud!

We've had some good downpours lately too and hope we have some more coming and then some cooler weather finally.

My DH pulled a groin playing softball a week or so ago. It's senior league softball and he thinks he can still run like he used to I guess. He went to the doc yesterday because he was still having a good deal of pain. He tore the upper adductor in the pelvic region, but the good news is the doc said he should heal in 3-4 weeks, but don't play any more softball or run for a while. I try to get him to stretch more, so hopefully when he goes to the re-hab place in a couple of days, they will give him some 'edu-ma-cation' on that he will listen to.

I hope to be out digging stuff for the swap this weekend!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Genna I'm glad you're settling in to the quiet life! Have you noticed it yet? I'm sorry Kyle is having problems but I agree that these surgeries are so much better now than they use too.
No, I don't live anywhere close to that high water, yet. They say the day will come where things could be different.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I hope the weather didnt get to bad for all of you in Central and North Ar last night. 60-80 mph wind gust can do alot of damage..We had a thunderstorm come thru here around 4 am thank goodness the winds werent bad. We did get about 3/4 inch of rain I'm thanking the Good Lord for that.. I was hoping to get some weeding done today but its still sprinking out there and this afternoon we are having a birthday party for my Granny who will be 97 on Tuesday. The rain was such a blessing im not even gonna let those weeds worry me..Hope you all have a Blessed day..I cant wait to see everyone again..

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Our rain started about 8:30 pm last night. The really hard rain didn't last but for a few hours but it really came down. I went out about 11:30 pm and it was still raining but just a light rain. All my brugs were blown down and lots of other plants. Gotten some picked up but still have more to go! I have some tree trash to pick up too. Lots of small pieces broken off my pine trees. My koi pond is full of it!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Charlotte, I am surprised you had anything left in your yard..... Alex said the pines across the street from them were bowing so badly that they went down to the lower level for a while.... just in case.....

We went to the ballgame Friday night and it was miserably hot and humid! Then about 11 the bottom fell out and we got another heavy rain...... don't have a rain gauge so I don't know how much but it was probably 3/4 to an inch minimum......

Was gone to LR yesterday.... I sure hope I can get some weeding done this afternoon!

Elaine, sorry to hear about your husband's pulled muscle.... they are never good! Hope he heals quickly!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna I have 6 huge (saw log size) pine trees in my back yard plus a number of other trees. Each of my neighbors on either side of me have that many or even more large pine trees. We also have lots of very large oak trees. So I'm used to swaying trees!

But I did have to pick up all my potted plants. They were blown everywhere.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Question for iris experts - I dug some iris today that I plan to re-locate. I haven't decided exactly where to put them yet but will probably get them in the ground within the week. Will they be ok outside as long as I keep them in the shade? Or do I need to do anything special to keep them cooler or under some mulch?

Ripley, MS

You need to keep the Rhizome dry until you can get it back in the ground, they can stay out of the ground for several weeks, as long as they are kept dry, I have some laying on top of a little metal table that have been there for several weeks now, but it is a mesh type that the water drains through.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Sandra!! BTW, I will put your name on 'Ida's Magic'.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

We just got back home last night after 5 days in the St. Louis area. We went up there for pre-wedding festivities for Al's nephew and his bride-to-be. The wedding itself was on Saturday at 10 a.m. and the reception was at 5 in the afternoon. It was a Catholic wedding and they make it an all-day affair. :o) After the wedding, the wedding party, consisting of the Bride and Groom and the 7 bridesmaids and 7 groomsmen, boarded a bus and took off to parts unknown until time for the reception at 5 p.m. We went with the groom's parents and many of the extended family to a restaurant in the area and ate lunch. We did get in a couple hours of rest at Al's sister's home before heading back out to the reception. The wedding was beautiful and a great reminder to all married couples of what a marriage is really supposed to be. The reception was fun, but tasteful--a sit-down-dinner with toasts from the Best Man, Maid of Honor and both the dads. The toasts were funny and yet moving and very tastefully done--nothing inappropriate. It was a lovely, happy time. We stayed with Al's sister and her hubby (parents of the groom) and were royally entertained the whole time we were there. Everyone was so gracious and accepting of me--being a newlywed myself, it was the first time I had met most of Al's relatives and friends up there in St. Louis. I felt very comfortable with them all. :o) However, I need to go on a major fast this week because I ate waaaaay too much! LOL

Our neighbor who watched the house for us while we were away told us that a storm came through here on Thursday night. We received 1 1/2 inches of rain (hooray!) but it blew a lot of the mulch out of the flower beds :o( and a portion of one dead tree blew down but didn't do any damage to the house or fence, fortunately. We'll be doing some clean-up work outside this afternoon.

Genna, good luck to Kyle with the gall bladder--whatever they decide to do. So glad that Alex is off to a good start this year! How is Jessie doing?

Gotta go help Al with the clean-up outside. You ladies have a good day!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Glad you had a nice trip Marilyn - and that you liked his family! That always makes the visit better!!

Jessi is doing good! She loves college life and getting to make all the new friends! She has to study a lot (much more than some friends who are not majoring in science) but she seems to be handling it well. They have had several quizes and she has done well on them and homework - but no true "test" yet. She is doing Tiger Tunes this year and is SO excited! Kyle opted not to do tunes because he is taking Chemistry and Anatomy & Physiology ....decided he wouldn't be able to keep up. They have Tiger Tunes practice three nights a week for 3 - 4 hours depending on the night - so it does take a LOT of time! :) She has made several really great friends - and I am happy for her. She is supposed to come home next Friday and watch the ballgame, then work on Saturday.

We can't even get in to see the surgeon for a consult until October 11...... which is during their "fall break". We had originally hoped to schedule surgery during that, depending on the doctor's schedule at Thanksgiving, it might be Christmas before the gall bladder comes out - IF he decides to remove it. They have said he will probably miss a week of classes and we are thinking that would NOT be a good idea unless it for something major that can't be delayed. He is feeling much better most of the time - and I think he will just have to try to manage it with diet until we can get something else done.

I have several irises in my big bed - but only a few have ever bloomed and most are at least 4 yrs old. My soil is very sandy so they drain well, but I think they may get too much water because I water my DLs and other plants in that bed every day in hot weather........................ what do ya'll think? I was wondering if i needed to move them to an iris only bed? But then it would sure look pitiful most of the year............

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

And did someone on here say that Grass B Gon will kill bermuda grass but not the DLs....... I am trying once again to get the bermuda grass out of my big bed and it is so bad, I am not sure I will be able to spray round up without getting it on some of my other plants. :( I spent sunday afternoon cleaning out almost half the bed, but the other half of the bed where I put down new mulch in the spring is covered so much so I can't even see my plants! :(

Today I am so sore I can barely move..... in fact, I was hurting so bad last night that i didn't sleep well....but my bed (or at least part of it) sure looked a lot better when I left for work this morning!


Little Rock, AR

Genna, my DIL just found out she has to have her gallbladder out! She wanted to wait but the MD told her she couldn't because her bloodwork was already abnormal because of it! She's trying to get it scheduled for next week and the plan is to remove it laproscopically which is usually an outpatient procedure.
And about that bermuda grass, I had to dig it out of my bed. Beth Phelps says if you leave even one little portion of the root it will be back! I believe her.
Looking forward to seeing everybody at the RU!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Beth Phelps is our county extension person and also our Master Gardener guru!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, I know.... but getting it all out seems to be impossible. It is also hard to poison because the leaves are so fine. :(

Sorry to hear about your DIL. Best I know, Kyle's bloodwork was all normal, so not sure what we are going to do. I really hate for him to undergo surgery if he isn't having any problems - but then I hate for it to rear its ugly head during finals or something like that!! Hope she is able to get it scheduled quickly and is back to 100% quickly too!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

A friend sent this to me today..................... I thought ya'll might enjoy it.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Very cute, Genna!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Someone sent me that several months ago. She is cute!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I forgot to mention before, but we are having a luncheon at my house on october 20th saturday, we're having white chilli, brocolli cornbread, grape salad, cream cheese strudel, I forget what else. Anybody who wants to come is welcome.

so far,

it's me, Charlotte, Kim, Loretta, Charlotte, is Sarah coming with you? We also might run to bald knob and look at Dian's nursery and maybe go to that other one there in Bald knob. We will have door prizes, which I forgot to announce. unless you ladies don't want to. It's up to ya'll.

I am not going to make a new thread, because I don't think we'll have a big interest other than just us regulars. But I did want to post it publically so everybody can be welcome!

I invited one of my walking partners, she loves to garden, not sure if she will make it or not though. we'll see when time gets here.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann I don't think Sarah has decided for sure yet. We have both joined a hiking group and one of the hikes is on the 20th. We are hiking twice a month and have hikes on the 6th and the 20th of Oct.. She is missing the 6th because of something she already had planned. I had rather go to the luncheon on the 20th. The hike on the 20th is a pretty good drive away from Little Rock.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thought you all might could use a good laugh! This actually happened in Little Rock this morning.

A Delta Trust ATM was stolen from the Pleasant Ridge Shopping Center (near Cheeburger Cheeburger) this morning, 3AM.

I'm told that:

"They put a moving strap around the ATM, tied it to the U-Haul truck, hit the gas and broke it loose from the ground. As you might imagine, this made a very loud noise so some folks in line at the AT&T store, who were waiting to buy the new iPhone 5s, came over to look for the source of the noise. The thieves apparently realized they could not load the ATM into the U-Haul themselves and asked these young people to assist them. These good folks declined and called 911 to report this. The police saw them on Southridge in Walton Heights and a chase ensued. They hit a curb, abandoned the U-Haul and ran into the woods. At least one person was apprehended."

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

As one comedian put it 'you can't fix stupid'.

Before I forget about it (and I WILL remind everyone at the plant swap tomorrow), I have entered a couple of photos in the 'County Fair', so I'd appreciate a look and a vote. One is in the 'Barns' category and it's a photo of a quilt barn in Berea, KY. The other is a photo of twin pygmy goats of ours. If you can't find them let me know. I haven't even looked at the photos yet myself and I'm sure there are loads of great photos to choose from.


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